Hello from Ohio (get me out of here!)


Well-known member
Not really, it actually has some of the loveliest farms, backroads and foreclosed homes. Okay, where to start. I just discovered this site earlier today. I've been to one other forum similar to this and was disappointed by it. Too often people there weren't what they claimed to be or had been members for so long that they developed cliques with lots of drama and inside snickering that alienated newbies. But I read a handful of threads here and it seems very different. There were a couple posts where I laughed to myself thinking, "hey, that's me!" so that's pretty cool. In a sad way. I wish none of us had to be here, but it's good such a place exists.

Anyway, about me. Cliff's notes version: I'm a 35 year old introvert. When forced to interact with others I get by, but I do my damnedest to avoid having to. I put on a false front to endure my high school years but once I graduated I began to withdraw from people entirely. Since then I've been mostly a recluse. However I consider myself a positive person and I've tried using all this alone time constructively; playing music and writing poetry. Hopefully I can learn a few things from you wonderful people (as I've found most SADs to be), and maybe even be of help in whatever way I can. I have a Masters in Dorkology, after all. ;)


Well-known member
Hi, welcome to SPW.
I'm glad you consider yourself a positive person. I hope you have a great time here, looking forward to read more posts. :)


Hey welcome to the forum! I haven't been here long either but from what I've seen it's actually pretty cool. Sometimes, the threads around here can get a bit heated because people are hurting and in distress at times but it always comes around to where everyone is talking and supporting each other - which is nice.

I also know what you mean about cliques with forums - even the ones that are supposed to be support sites... makes me wanna hurl. Anyways, glad to have you here. :)


Well-known member
Is it weird that every time I see this thread title I hear Drew Carey shouting "Ohio!!" in my head?

Probably is, but that's okay.


Well-known member
Thanks, people. :D

@psych What's PGH? I'm guessing it's not anything good if you have to refer to it in the past tense, lol. But I'm happy for you, I think. :)


Well-known member
Thanks, people. :D

@psych What's PGH? I'm guessing it's not anything good if you have to refer to it in the past tense, lol. But I'm happy for you, I think. :)

Pittsburgh, PA, silly. ::p: I moved, but will be at Keystone State Park in August.


Well-known member
Please, psych, don't abbreviate at me. The nerve! Ha ha, okay. I've only driven through Penn state, never visited. They have some lovely reststop bathrooms though. (Not really) Where did you move to, by the way?


Well-known member
I was just trying to avoid some typing...

Moved to Massachusetts, my first home... I missed the ocean, among other things.

But, I've got friends and family down there... Some parts of Ohio aren't far off. Anyways.. Cya around. :)