Hello Everybody


Well-known member
Hello everyone, I know this won't make much sense but i will write it anyway:

Some time ago, i 'discovered' this forum as a 'it's the only way i'm ever gonna get a girlfriend' way.

Even though i never really labeled myself as a 'social phobe' i thought this was the only 'non hipocrital' place all around...

However i want to share my point of view about all of you here:

I think you people are egotistical and immature. (I was too), but even so, i still love you all (and respect you as a human being).

So if you people would like some 'help' i would like to share it with you.

Thank you very much.


Well-known member
I had to look back over your previous posts to get a better understanding of who you are. I gotta say I detected quite a bit of anger.
I also found it difficult to find a moment where you described exactly how you feel you can "help" people here. Care to elaborate?

Also FYI, calling "you people" (as in labelling everyone into one big group) immature and egotistical isn't the best way to offer help. Especially when many like myself don't even know who you are.

Just my own point of view...


Super Moderator
And how are we egoistic or immature? :/ I don't remember I have asked to be in this situation, and I don't think anyone else have. If you want to be helpful to anyone here, first of all don't be such a jerk and educate yourself a little. Ok?.


Well-known member
OK, explain for us your theory what to do? I think nothing is wrong to hear another opinion.

Thank you.

I wholeheartedly agree with Erich Fromm's theories.

He explains in many of his books, but specially 'The hearth of man' (where he sums up his theories) and 'The art of loving' the mechanism in which we act.

As far as 'shyness' is concerned is purely egoism and/or malignant narcissism. It would be dumb however to end there, so I ask: 'why am i egotistic?' and the answer is: your parents.

Basically, we're afraid to hang with a woman, because we FEAR our mother (it can be fear to 'let her down, making her 'angry' and also fear of not being 'loyal' to her)

I highly recommend these books to anyone.
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Well-known member
What kind of help can you give us?
Even though I don't have serious SA anymore and I already know how to get rid of it (it's hard though), I'm curious.

It's quite simple anyway: people with SA are people who are just afraid of being themselves, ashamed of being themselves, because they somehow learned that being themselves is not ok. People with SA seem to be immature only because the fear and the anxiety control them completely. You know, lots of potential, but the fear makes you waste it all.
So I don't agree with your theories at all: I'm not afraid of my mother, and that's not why I've never had a girlfriend. Social phobic people are not really afraid of girls: they are afraid of criticism and failure in general, because that's what SA sufferers expect since they are ashamed of being themselves.