Hello, All!


Hello everyone, I am new to this site, and thought I would introduce myself. I am a 23 year old college student, and over the last six or seven years, social situations of varying kinds have increasingly become a huge problem for me. The terror regarding certain situations- meeting new people, being around large groups, going to parties, going to new places, ridiculous, embarrassing blushing, the list goes on and on- has just grown and grown, and I really feel it is preventing me from living the life I want to live. It's caused problems in relationships and is a constant source of strife.

I can't help but wonder if it is completely abnormal to spend as much time alone as I do...

It was really a relief to find this forum. Just the knowledge that there are others who understand is a comfort.

I really hope to get to know you all. :)



Well-known member
Welcome both of you ! I joined a couple of days ago and had the chance to talk to some people here. Everyone understands how you feel and I'm sure everyone is open for a chat.

Again welcome to SPW !