Hello All :)


Hi, I'm Matt, 19, from Norfolk, England.

I have been 'suffering' from Agoraphobia for a couple of years now, although it has really only began to effect my everyday life for the last 6 months or so.

I work as an Insurance Advisor at a Brokers, and therefore work can get stressful at times. I've never considered myself to be stressful or lose control over matters, and I generally have a laid back approach to life. However with my agoraphobia this is starting to limit what I feel comfortable doing, without the anxiety looming over my head.

I have joined this site to seek advice and help from others, some in similar situations to mine, and to also hopefully help others overcome their anxiety fears. I have always considered myself to be lucky enough to have a lovely family and therefore I have lived a good life so far. I guess fighting against this agoraphobia is my first big test in life, and it's one many of us are fighting together.

I prefer to look at the more positive aspects of my life however! I enjoy football (Norwich City supporter), Pool, Golf and Motor Racing. I have a lovely girlfriend who I have been with for 3 years now (she is the only person who really knows about my agoraphobia - and by this I mean over the past few weeks).

I look forward to hopefully chatting to a lot of you on here soon, and making some new friends from here. We all face our own big battles, and sometimes we need assistance in fighting them, and that is why I am here!

Thanks :)


Well-known member
Welcome to SPW, I hope you're able to find something useful here. By the sounds of it you've got a good situation in order to fight off anything more serious. Good luck :)


Thanks guys :)

I hope so Ravens, it is something I need to regain control of before I lose my social life.

The fear I have thinking about work is getting as bad as actually being there. I know I must go there to 'expose' myself to my fears, but it's so damn hard.

I will keep fighting :)


Well-known member
Hello and welcome. :] You really do sound like you're in a good position to improve your condition. I hope this site is of some help!


I hope so EscapeArtist, i'm just sick of worrying and overanalysing everything that can go wrong in the day ahead.

I am sick of not being able to go to the shops, stand in a queue, chat to friends, without feeling like everyone is watching and waiting for me to lose all self-control.

I wish I could go out and have a round of golf, enjoy the sunshine, and enjoy the banter without the burden of my fears looming over.

It's going to be one heck of a fight that I am not backing down from!


Well-known member
Hey Matt, welcome! I've only been here a few days myself but it seems like a great forum with a wealth of advice and support.