Hello こんにちは


Hello from Japan! I've been shy my entire life, but have been struggling with SA since high school. Since college I feel I've made progress in the right direction, but it's been a very SLOW process. But, my SA seems to be getting worse since coming to Japan or maybe it's all just in my head. I feel I'm being judged more harshly here because I can't conform and just blend in like everyone else, and it makes me want to crawl away and hide. It doesn't feel safe to step out in the world. I'm too sensitive.


Well-known member
どーも, SOCIALPHOBIAWORLD に いてらしゃい ! !

l I've made progress in the right direction, but it's been a very SLOW process. But, my SA seems to be getting worse since coming to Japan or maybe it's all just in my head. I feel I'm being judged more harshly here because I can't conform and just blend in like everyone else, and it makes me want to crawl away and hide.

That's the thing, though, from my experience with a teacher who worked there, JP people seem to be more severe and expect you to both overwork to death, not complain, and not be emotional. It's a huge difference from the vast majority of the world. And for some reason, trying to come up with plans for getting a hard work faster, but with still good results is seen as lazy and disrespectful there. I just don't know. That's, curiously enough, why there are so man highschool-theme media there, supposedly 'cause it's the last or only time they can be emotional and "free", and then university/college kills it...

Welp, you have my condolensces. D: Truth to be told, I wish I could work there at Nintendo or Toei, but I'd need to be perfectly mentally prepared that if I ever do, I'll work harder than any western workplace will ever demand.