heavy emotions


I can't handle life anymore.. I have so heavy emotions..
I don't know what to feel anymore.. and what to think about life anymore
I feel like my whole life is about feeling stress and heavy anxiety
I make things worse, Worry about everything, and only feel misery..
I don't know what's wrong with me, am I psychotic? Am I depressed?
Or is it just anxiety?
I feel like the world is going to end, and feel like my life is totally over,
and that I can only talk abuot sadness, because I feel so emotional.
Everybody sees this and they see me leading pain,
and SOME people are pushing me away.. Like stop fighting for me..
They can't handle me
And some people fight for me, and never stop fighting because they love me
and they feel with me
Why is my life like this? Such a fight everyday.
It's like I am the girl who leads pain everyday.
I don't know whats wrong with me anymore.. But i'm getting sick of it..
Everyday I feel like the world is going to end..
and i feel like everybody put a spell on me..
I'm so afraid of everything
i'm the most emotional girl in the world.. I feel this way
I never hurt anyone, I always wanna cheer people up
And I'm always faking a smile just to let people know that i'm fine
And I try to help people
And I'm just too soft too live in this world..
I'm not living.. I'm just leading pain
Wish God could help me :'(


Well-known member
I understand when u say your everyday is such a fight. I have the exact feeling. There is no day passing wthout any anxiety, and I dont know how to deal with it tommorow, and the rest of my life. Every single moment in the outside world I have anxiety and I can never feel the true happiness.
But I believe u can make it. Watching your video makes me admire your efforts. U can do things that I cant do. U have dealed with hard situations, u could sing in front of crowd even when u had a panic attack before.
I wish u the best of luck. Im sure many people love you because as u said, u always try to help people and cheer them up. That is a good thing about u that should be appreciated

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
Aww... I'm so sorry that you're going through such a rough time. Hardships are extremely painful, but they can bring out the absolute best in us if we so choose. This is a growing experience. Are there people who can support you right now? Even one person can make an incredible difference. Talking to someone is important, because some problems may possibly be too heavy to bear. A healthy diet & regular exercise can dramatically improve the mood... and take tablets of vitamin D if you don't have enough exposure. Those are some natural ways of helping you feel better. Have you heard of positive affirmations? Those could help too. Best of luck... I hope you can heal.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
You've probably heard this several times before... but you have an amazing singing voice. Seriously! :) It's powerful.


Well-known member

i'm so sorry you feel down! just from reading your words i can tell how powerful your emotions must be for you and it makes my heart ache for you =/
please know that you aren't alone.. everyday tons of people, most people even, stress and worry and stress and worry. everyone fears something. everyone worries. and everyone has sadness. it is just part of life.. please please know that it won't always be this way. continue to keep your head up, push through your anxiety and depression.. keep your thoughts positive no matter if you believe the positive or not. things will be better someday. have faith and hope for those days! dream about them and look forward to them!


Well-known member
I really wish I could help console you, but I'm absolutely terrible at it. I went to a funeral a few years ago and when the widow thanked us for coming I said "I'm glad to be here." Score one point for Mr. Smooth.

Flowergirlie, your presence here is almost as bright as your smile. You are talented and beautiful, and all the pain you are currently going through is only temporary. And I know it's very difficult to do right now, but do your best to stay positive and continue seeking the help you need to get better. Because the little bit I know about you lets me know that you honestly deserve to be happy.

It surely won't be easy. But when has the easiest path ever been the most interesting and rewarding one to take?



Hi Flowergirlie,

When I read your post I have instant understanding of what you are feeling.

I too have gone through so many periods of pain, worry, helplessness as you describe, and at times it feels just too much to bear.

You are so young and have so much life ahead of you.

I know that sometimes this is a scary thought since so much of our lives seem to be filled with only pain and negativity, but you seem to work very hard at conquering your anxiety that I know things will improve for you.

Several weeks ago I happened to see your video and from it found a link to this site! It has been a real blessing, and I have you to thank for it.

Maybe that can put a smile on your face for even just a second, knowing that you helped me :)


It is hard living in a world with so many bad things going on all the time. But I think feeling intense sadness sometimes is preferable to living in a bubble like so many people do, and not experiencing the whole range of emotions.
Find the inner place inside you, that love and truth, which is the only thing that really matters. When you are coming from a place of truth you can accept life. You just have to keep working on that, your perspective on life will change with time.
There, there, Flower.

We might not have met before, but one thing is painfully clear when I read your posts; Regardless of your anxieties and pain, you are a kind, strong and incredibly brave person whom has it in her to overcome the suffering. I mean that.

We're here for you. ~WO