Heaven and Hell Testimony BS


Well-known member
i didn't watch any of it lol honestly. But I know that DMT is released upon death, even temporary death, a potent hallucinogen that has been attributed to near death experiences. Sorry if this makes no sense to the topic, like I said, didn't watch it


Well-known member
My friend read a book where this woman claimed the same and she was totally buying it. I was like, that woman....is lying. She said that Jesus let her experience hell for 30 days and heaven for 10 days.


Well-known member
This line in the article made me think:
"My daughter was dead for 23 hours but I didn't notify the police"
Um, terrible parents much?
After starving herself for so long she was probably delusional. You will eventually see what you want to see when you are not in your right mind after starving for so long.
Thank for the share though! I found this really interesting :)


Well-known member
This is just some retarded nonsense caused by how backwards Latin American culture is when it comes to religion and rationality.

Many people actually believe Jesus's image can appear on a toast or something, and many will actually pay to see it LOL.


Well-known member
I respect beliefs of all peoples, no matter what my personal feelings on the subject, i dont feel its my place to judge or not or dismiss or not any point of view.

I look at it like this....what matters is what that person took away from the experience. If whatever happened when they were "dead" inspired them to live a better life, try to help others, ect ect ect, good for them.

Bottom line is for me, at the end of the day, no one really knows 110% exactly what happened, even if the person experiencing it thinks they do. It can be debated untill the cows come home and a solid definate answer wouldnt be found.

Stories like this do give me a sense of hope, personally, that SOMTHING happens. What that somthing is, who knows?. Maybe we fall into a big bowl of chocolate. Maybe you get greeted by relatives, maybe you discover were all living in a computer somewhere. The point for me, is i dont think its the end. just the end of the beginning.

Energy cannot be destroyed. Only converted. For me, that fact is enough to have faith in something. However, to be clear, that said, i dont necesarily believe all who go on with stories like whats said above, but at the same time, they always make me think.

Id have to experience it personally to really have an opinion one way or the other, but im not really in any hurry..


Well-known member
What nonsense ,people don't realize that clinical death is not proper death .If you wake up from a clinical death then your brain was not dead,so you can dream all kind's of ****.I bet muslims that experienced clinical death will tell you about Allah and the 40 virgins :).
What's so scary about death ?An eternity in haven or hell is torture anyway ... it sounds good but trust me it's not .


Well-known member
All these stories about people having visions of heaven/hell (some even claim to be taken there, physically) is nothing but a deception. The only way we can know this is by studying out what the Bible teaches about hell. I used to believe in these stories myself, and we have actually discussed it several years ago on this site. Anyway, here is a comprehensive study on the topic of hell. It's 100 percent biblical, and it's actually good news, compared to these horror stories.

Go to:
Heaven Hell | Heaven or Hell | Heaven to Hell


Well-known member
You guys might heard of it right? The Angelica testimony. I heard what happen but I don't want to watch the whole thing because it's creeping the **** out of me.

ENGLISH voice over: 23 Horas Muerta, Angelica Zambrano (FULL) - YouTube

Do you guys believe it or not? I don't think it's true. I mean seriously? she died hours later then goes back to life, saying that she saw hell. this is a load of garbage.

... I call bull****. People seriously believe this stuff?