Have you ever been to Shy to Say Hi and Bye to People


Well-known member
You wanna know what i hate? when i tell someone "hey" or "bye" and they just smile and keep walking away.....Respond. >.< Happens to me alot. I seriously doubt they all have SA or something.
When I'm leaving from work - I kinda give a salute to everyone a say "have a good one". But then I feel like they are sometimes talking about me after I leave the room.

aww, yeah i know what you mean. I normally think.. thats brave.
If i said bye to you .. it means i appreciate what you did.
Theres this guy who doesnt talk at all... and this girl...
but the only word i ever hear them speak out is 'C you guys' ..
I think they brave, considering he doesnt talk to anybody at work..
to actually stand up and say C u guys loudly.. few response back.
that takes guts and courage.

when u said 'have a good one' .. tats a bit odd..i think.. i would prob say something in my mind.. not at you .. i would think ... 'have a good one? .. why dont he just say bye.

You wanna know what i hate? when i tell someone "hey" or "bye" and they just smile and keep walking away.....Respond. >.< Happens to me alot. I seriously doubt they all have SA or something.

I hate that too.. i also think its actully semi rude..
I mean, if they dont know me.. thats fine..
but if they know me.. then why dont they just say hi back..
its even rude, when they look at you like your weird and say hi back..
and no that person does not have SA what so ever.
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Well-known member
Yes I get this when I'm in a loud group and I have to somehow break into the conversation to say goodbye. Sometimes I have just waited for ages...the awkwardness bubbles up


Well-known member
I once said 'Hi' to this guy who I didn't know very well. He looked at me and seemed pretty annoyed, and said, 'we've already said hi today'. Are people only allowed to say hi once? It's not like we sat next to each other, we just walked past each other in the building twice on the same day. I thought it was nice to greet him both times. Apparently not.

deleted user 1

I used to do it sometimes, but not on others. The reaction I got for saying hi or bye was generally apathetic, so I became even more hesitant. I then was informed by my sister that some people said I was very cold towards them. I was actually quite upset about this, as I was, with one exception, the only one who at least tried to be pleasant. My co-worker, whom I had to work with personally everyday shunned me most of the time, though I can honestly say that I tried to be pleasant right up until my very last day! There's no pleasing some people.


Well-known member
i struggle with this as well. :/

and when i do say hello or goodbye, i'm usually so quiet that people don't hear me. or... i walk by so quickly and don't look at anyone, so people may assume that i'm not addressing them.

LOL THAT IS ME when I'm at work I hate interrupting to say bye bcos ppl don't pay much attention and its awkward. But I grew up with it's rude not to greet ppl so i feel obligated to say hi/bye. But if no one says hi/bye to me i don't give a care ::eek::

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
A lot of people at work I say neither to, and they most likely think I'm an a**hole for it, or stuck up.
I usually pretend I'm too involved in my work or drunk or something.


Well-known member
funny reading this thread because I have this dilemma everyday at work

when get in in the morning I say Hi to 2 women next to me but I dont know wether to say how you doing bla bla ...like most other people ...but I think like why bother asking how theyre doing it will be no different to how they are doing 99% of other mornings so just be same reply (or just trying to make it variant ...good, not bad, ok, alright etc lol).
Also when I say how you doing I just sound depressed/grumpy anyway so easier just to say hi and then just get on with my own thing.

when leave the office is always headache saying bye as about 8 people sit around me ...I'm not going to be loud enough to say bye to all of them but I feel like if just say to 2 people by me then the people on other side think Im rude for not saying bye...I usually try and see when people are away from their desk or on phone so dont have to say bye to so many people then just give the "see you tomorrow" and outa there asap


Active member
Why are these simple words the hardest?

You get one moment to say them... and by the time my mind swings around to what's happening that moment is gone.

Yeah, I don't get these social rules. Guess there's one good thing in not even being able to find work.


yeah I used to have a real problem with this, but now is kind of like I can handle it better. I know what you mean though is like avoiding it, because it will start a conversation sucks ASS::(:


Well-known member
I often sneak in and out without saying hello or goodbye to anyone. I used to use the fire stairs, and the alley behind the office block to avoid seeing work colleagues. I used to sit in the park and eat lunch.

I don't do these things as much anymore maybe my anxiety is better!


Well-known member
I often sneak in and out without saying hello or goodbye to anyone. I used to use the fire stairs, and the alley behind the office block to avoid seeing work colleagues. I used to sit in the park and eat lunch.

I don't do these things as much anymore maybe my anxiety is better!

haha I use the fire stairs at the back of the office everyday so don't have the awkwardness bumping into people in the lift etc and people I dont wana see.
Wherever I am, I never introduce myself unless someone else speaks to me because i am so shy and insecure. Like, for instance, there was a girl I always liked. She talked to me one day, and I could never say anything else, even hi, to her, for fear of what the reaction would be.


Well-known member
Me too. I also have this problem. Usually I just move my head a little and just mumble something...

I hate to enter in my building and meet a neighbor. I also try to sneak out, almost like Solid Snake...


Well-known member
ahhh yes all the time it feel so rude, especially when I make eye contact with someone but they look away before I can say bye >.<


Active member
Yeah I get this always, and afterwards I feel like such a moron for either saying hi/bye like a fool or not saying hi/bye at all

Sometimes I just put my head kinda down and don't say anything, sure way of losing acquaintances. I swear ppl just give up on me, no surprise though as most of the time I give up on myself


Always. I'm unemployed, but I go to university and every time I walk past people I keep my head down, especially if it's someone I know (as in they are in my class) because when I pass them and make eye contact, I feel as if I should say hi or something. And if on the rare occasion they say hi, I think to myself 'oh god, should I say something else?' Or if someone I'm sort of friendly with sits next to me, I'll just not look at them or if I do, I'll just smile at them so they hopefully know I'm not ignoring them, because I'm too scared to say hi. That can be really awkward. Same with saying bye, I actually can't say it and end up just walking away, sometimes they'll call after me and be like 'you're going?' but most of the time I walk too fast so they can't do that.

I really can't initiate conversations.


Well-known member
Yes its usually like this for me... and it reminds me of not too long ago I was with a group of people for some school work.. not because I wanted to. But I was leaving and they were in the middle of some discussion and It was really awkward for me to say goodbye. Even more so because they didn't even notice me that much.. felt a little invisible right at that time actually.