Have you ever been to Shy to Say Hi and Bye to People

sometime i get anxious and shy, i dont say bye to my colleague before i leave work, and then i feel rude and guilty.. but now im beginning to say it... i said it three time and i was ignored thats why my confidences isnt high, i even have anxiety saying hi and bye.. hi is more easier, than bye.

what about you?

i sometime feel my colleague also are a bit shy to say it, because when they say it, their voice is low.. bravo to the brave one!
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Yeah, mostly I do say hi and bye at work, but sometimes I will sneak out without saying bye or will hang around until others have left before going, I don't like to be the first to go


Well-known member
i often fail to say goodbye to people when it's common practice to do so

usually because they're in the middle of doing something else, and to me it feels presumptuous to interrupt them to get their attention to tell them good bye - like i'm seeking attention or something

i'm trying to get better at this
wow, its comforting to read that others have this same problem.
I have often been wrongly thought of as a "snob" because I have been to scared to say "bye" at many different places where I should have, or say it loud enough to be heard.
Hell, I even have trouble saying "bye" in the chatbox!lol:D


Well-known member
Sometimes I pretend to not see someone so I don't have to initiate, that way I can leave it up to them. But when it's somewhere like a doctor's office or a store I try to say hello, or else just stand there until they see me. But then people sometimes throw in a "how are you?", and I end up just saying "good", which is like an auto-response I make without thinking. Then there's a pause because I forget ask them how they are, and then it's too late and I feel stupid and probably come off as being rude. This happens to me all the time. Saying goodbye isn't as bad, but like someone else said alot of times people don't hear me and I end up getting stuck and asking myself, do I just leave? Did they hear me? Should I speak louder? :/ Too much thought devoted to something that should be so simple.


Well-known member
People usually sneak out of work without saying goodbye, so I figure that nobody will even care if I do the same.
i struggle with this as well. :/

and when i do say hello or goodbye, i'm usually so quiet that people don't hear me. or... i walk by so quickly and don't look at anyone, so people may assume that i'm not addressing them.

maybe we need little 'hello' & 'goodbye' flags to wave instead. hmmm....
Sometimes I pretend to not see someone so I don't have to initiate, that way I can leave it up to them. But when it's somewhere like a doctor's office or a store I try to say hello, or else just stand there until they see me. But then people sometimes throw in a "how are you?", and I end up just saying "good", which is like an auto-response I make without thinking. Then there's a pause because I forget ask them how they are, and then it's too late and I feel stupid and probably come off as being rude. This happens to me all the time. Saying goodbye isn't as bad, but like someone else said alot of times people don't hear me and I end up getting stuck and asking myself, do I just leave? Did they hear me? Should I speak louder? :/ Too much thought devoted to something that should be so simple.

Im fine with waving, saying hi and bye if i have chatted to that individual and is pretty comfortable around them, but if i have to say to a whole group of people who i dont even talk to, i get nervous and my voice also goes low.

I also have that problem with you, i dont usually say, how are you back.. because i just thought it was a auto-greeting, and that they dont really care how i feel, and naturally i dont care how they feel, because i know we not friends, maybe thats why i didnt say it back..


Well-known member
Never have trouble saying hi, always bye. Usually at the gym. I have trouble really, just leaving some groups. Like I gotta go, want to go, and just say I g2g cyas.


Well-known member
I try to do so, but sometimes it's complicated.... that's why I bought a snake suit :rolleyes:

anyway, when I say it people rarely hear me, so it's always like:

ah.... hi

i always feel stupid in this situations
I try to do so, but sometimes it's complicated.... that's why I bought a snake suit :rolleyes:

anyway, when I say it people rarely hear me, so it's always like:

ah.... hi

i always feel stupid in this situations

hah, i have that happen to me....so dont feel bad..


Well-known member
I find it harder to say hi, and start a conversation.

When i get that started i'm fine, and saying bye.

The problem is i start to over think things, e.g. Am i saying bye too soon etc.

I just stopped caring, what other people think.
Only way to conquer shyness.
Oh yes, absolutely. It started when I was in kindergarten. I remember it clearly, my father would take me there every morning, and 2 “teachers” (I don’ know if this is the right terminology) would say “good morning”, to which I had to reply. Being a shy kid I’d just look to the ground and say nothing, being reprehended afterwards. One day I mustered the courage to say “good morning”. Instead of being complimented, they criticized my tone of voice and facial expression.

Nowadays I never take the initiative. If someone says hi, I say hi back, even if it makes me anxious. I never say goodbye. In fact, my colleagues often joke about it. They call me a ninja, because I just go away unnoticed.

awww.. :mad: they were very rude, a nice teacher wouldnt say that, i hope you can move on from it. :)

lol @ they call u ninja.. :D


Well-known member
i often fail to say goodbye to people when it's common practice to do so

usually because they're in the middle of doing something else, and to me it feels presumptuous to interrupt them to get their attention to tell them good bye - like i'm seeking attention or something

i'm trying to get better at this

Mhmm, mhmmm, mmhhhm...

I don't quite have many opportunities to say bye to people but I remember at school I used to love to leave without saying bye or where I was going. Felt freeing. Must have been pretty desperate for freedom. School will do that


Well-known member
When I'm leaving from work - I kinda give a salute to everyone a say "have a good one". But then I feel like they are sometimes talking about me after I leave the room.