Has shyness ever made you turn down a woman who wanted you?


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TooShyShy said:
You have to become confident in YOURSELF and have a i don't give an "F" attitude or else you will never get out of the viscious cycle. If you don't think you are intersting, fun, good looking, etc. no girl ever will.

And most of the negative thoughts come from how you interpret people and what you assume they feel about you..its probably not anything close to the truth. Its your view on women, yourself and life, it really has nothing to do with girls themselves.

Get out of your own head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give women a chance. There may be one out there that really liked you but bcuz of what you tell yourself and inturn acted towards her..she never went for it.

Women do get scared off as well and start doubting themselves.

WE ARE HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this helped.

It ain't always that easy. Believe me, I try hard, but I can tell whenever I can muster enough courage to talk to a women I am interested in, she gives me this scared look. I am creepy because I have never been in a relationship, and she can sense something is off by the way I communicate. I tend to be very courteous and kind among others, if not a little shy.

I have tried to read online what to say, the body language and how to act around women, but for me it is like a failed Cyrano, and I end up not having much to say. In this situation I try to be myself, but 'myself' is a high strung oddball, and the women I try talking too never take me seriously. I am not angry at women, I am angry at myself. For me, conversations with women are like shooting in the dark: I never know when I might have have hit something.

Sorry for the rambling post, I just tend to think really deep. And by the way, I do understand your situation with your guy friend at work all to well. I have been embarrassed many times, and withdraw into my shell just like him. It takes a long time to get out of that shell, and whenever I do I get hurt again. I can only imagine what sort of hell he went through in order to be acting like that to you.


Well-known member
Dude, I'd just approach her and be completely honest, but try to be charming about it -if possible... :? Honesty (perhaps because it's difficult to come by...) is often confused with confidence, which women find very appealing.

I'm not a lady's man, by any means, but I stopped giving a shit quite a while ago and, somehow, it has panned out for me. For example, I have found success by telling a girl that I would like to sleep with her... Crazy...

Kind of obtuse advice, I guess...


Well-known member
Dude, I'd just approach her and be completely honest, but try to be charming about it -if possible... :? Honesty (perhaps because it's difficult to come by...) is often confused with confidence, which women find very appealing.

I'm not a lady's man, by any means, but I stopped giving a shit quite a while ago and, somehow, it has panned out for me. For example, I have found success by telling a girl that I would like to sleep with her... Crazy...

Kind of obtuse advice, I guess...
I always have girls that like me for my looks at first...But I always shut them out and push them away so they lose interest -_-

Next time that happens I'm gonna go for it!


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freestylemonster said:
I always have girls that like me for my looks at first...But I always shut them out and push them away so they lose interest -_-

Next time that happens I'm gonna go for it!

Sounds very much like me. I end up distancing myself from them for some reason, mostly because I feel they'll reject me sooner or later if they come close enough. Probably because they consider me boring^^.


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TooShyShy said:


Because one knows that he will be hurt no matter what: she is toying with his emotions 'cause she knows he is weak. So he pushes her away to avoid that pain, and he wants to just walk away from it all. This what I believe him to be doing to you. Just how you stop watching a lame movie because you know it is going to end: same thing for him. When a love shy man is infatuated with a woman, after a while he becomes disillusioned, and realizes that what he was doing was fantasizing, and believes that the woman of his dreams actually did not like him.


Well-known member
Because one knows that he will be hurt no matter what: she is toying with his emotions 'cause she knows he is weak. So he pushes her away to avoid that pain, and he wants to just walk away from it all. This what I believe him to be doing to you. Just how you stop watching a lame movie because you know it is going to end: same thing for him. When a love shy man is infatuated with a woman, after a while he becomes disillusioned, and realizes that what he was doing was fantasizing, and believes that the woman of his dreams actually did not like him.

God, i have such a hard time believeing this bcuz someone told him i thought he was really sweet and a great guy...and maybe we should get to know one another...so he knows i am interested.

And yes i see he has issues where i am concerned and i see how i affect him in a big way on a daily basis but with the way IIIIIIII act around him...all the things i've done to show him...seriously, how can he not know or believe it?

I just think he has programmed himself to be ''shut off'' to anything romantic or intimate. I know in the past when people have tried to set him up he has said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO without even a discussion, seeing what she looked like or getting any info on the girl..its alays just no.

Also, he only befriends married women (which irritates me to know end) i have noticed this alot lately--they are safe i guess or women ALOT older than himself he is so at ease with and funny. God, how that gets to me!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess its part of the condition he has and theres nothing i can do about it..he just has such a severe reaction to me. It is what it is and its a shame he won't even try to help himself. I know he stays around me to get cmfortable and try to work through it i see that bcuz he has no reason to be around me ever.

Even before he knew i liked him (i saw how he was with me even back then) but i never told anyone how i felt HE WAS DOING THE SAME THING HE DOES NOW so i know its not just him knowing i like him he was always like this from the first moment we met he couldn't look at me in the eye, only looked down when we talked and was VERY antsy and jumpy and would NEVER talk to me unless i intitated it..thank God he can do that now when he's comfortable and having a good day. He always had that "stalker'' thing with me though...lol!!!!!!!!!!!

But i know he's harmless so i never minded. I also knew i started liking him so i tried to get to know him a bit and boy was that difficult..but he came around slowly actually, it was after a mutual friend told him that i was intereted that HE FINALLY STARTED TO TALK TO ME, SAY HELLO AND HE WOULD COME BY ALL THE TIME he never did any of that before.

I saw how hard it was but he would do it everyday..i guess he didn't the door to shut I WAS READY TO WALK AWAY i even ignored him after i heard he wouldn't talk to her (our friend) about me...he would NOT answer her questions about me, he just put his head downa nd wouldn't tell her why he treats me in a special and different way all he said was "i'm having my fun and not interested" she was floored bcuz she could tell how he was around me and howmid. She FOR SURE thought he'd be happy and relieved someone was intervening.

And yes, i see sometimes how sad and deseprate he looks (and withdrawn) and i want to go up and give him a great big hug and tell him how i feel and that its going to be ok if he just tries harder but he would seriously have a heart attack right in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!

He either can't look at me in the eyes or he is so jumpy he can't relax and i know that would send him right over the edge, but somedays i wonder...

Arrrrrrrgh could it help????? Its very sad all the way around.

sorry so long :D


Well-known member
You really have to talk to him yourself, when you two are alone in a room ask him straight out. If he's so afraid of showing his true emotions to you and see you as scary though he knows you're interested then he's either extremely love shy or he simply doesn't like you. Even if you have to take a rope and catch him with a lasso I'd advise you to do it, at least in order to get things straight. If you are going to tell him in person how you feel make sure you let him know that he doesn't have to be afraid of him, that way he can finally maybe start feeling comfortable in your presence^^.


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The thing that you have to remember is that they are just people too, they are just regular human beings like everyone else. They may look different than other people but just because they look good doesn't mean their any different from anyone else. It's really hard to do but I have been trying to just treat everyone the same, whether they are good looking or not, if a good looking girl starts talking to me I am going to look at her like I would if she were just another face on the street, because in reality she is. Girls that are good looking aren't superior in any way, in fact they have their own insecurities.


Well-known member
I do have a question..even on his shyest of days he's always hanging around me at some point (sometimes sitting in a chair) near my door where i come and go to get to the office, ladies room, etc. sometimes i wonder if he wants me to come sit by him...he leaves himself wide open or for me to do more than just exchange hellos, which we do.

A few times when i went to go sit by him to aska question he looked like he would seriously pass out..he would talk to me of course but he looked so serious and so scared that i made me nervous.

But i noticed ever since that day, even if he's alone..he still sits by that door. Sometimes he is fiddling with his phone other times talks to whomever walks by...or at times just sits there alone.

Wouldn't he NOT do that if he didn't want me to go over and talk..i mean i did twice in the last month to ask him something and you'd think he'd stop doing it KNOWING that i could do it again if i was disturbing him or he didn't like me sitting near him - correct?????

I was just wondering if its something you think he wants me to do (or doesn't mind me doing) when i walk by him????

I would only do it if he were alone..sometimes he's talking to coworkers BUT he's always there...and he just looks at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact I would dodge women who were interested in me- even if I was very interested in them- There are so many examples in my life of missed oppotunities......8 (

One sticks out in my memory- "Vickey" knew me from grad school, even located my phone number by information and called me up- She was really into me, she was very nice and attractive- She was a good person, very god looking-and I really blew it my unwillingness to go out with her- She was clearly interested in me, yet I was terrified of rejection- so I rejected her first. What the hell is wrong with me????? The more interest she showed in my the more I clamped shut like a clam.
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Well-known member
WOW!!!!! Now that sounds so much like my shy guy at work...but he still comes around me though, even after he gets all withdrawn and distant one day, the very next day he can't stay away from me...and he makes a point of saying hello, sometimes specifically waiting for me..so i know he wants to change this...i see it...he struggles with it daily!!!!!

Its got to be so difficult and sad :( what can be done about it????


Well-known member
The only thing for me that comes close to this is in high school before our year's second annual formal dance... I went to the first formal the year before, but didn't enjoy it much since I went by myself. I decided that I wouldn't go to the formal that year unless someone genuinely asked me.
One girl in the year below me wanted to attend because she wanted to hang out with her friends at the formal - it was plainly obvious that she couldn't care less about me but wanted to use me as a way of getting in... so the answer was no.

Turns out she became a minor celebrity a few years later and was a minor character on the TV series Neighbours...


Well-known member
Been there, done that.
Only occasions when I didn't turn someone down were when I was very, very drunk.
But lately (as in the last years) I don't even get approached.
Being bitter and affraid of people doesn't help, off course.
Yes, I can think of a few times. First of all up until high school I went to class with the same exact people (about 20 or so). Within that group I was an outcast so anytime someone (especially a girl) might have actually been being friendly I thought it was a joke/prank and blew them off.

In high school there was a girl in 10th grade who very clearly liked me, though I was too shy to act on it at the time. She would smile at me constantly, write me notes and pass them to me in the hall (this was waaay before the age of text messaging ;) ) and ask me to write her back, and even forced one of our mutual friends to give her my phone number so she could call me up out of the blue. Of course despite all these signals I was too shy to ask her out until I finally worked up the courage months later. Naturally by that time she already had a new boyfriend. :rolleyes:

In college there was a girl who lived on the other side of the floor who gave off the same kind of signals. If her friends were around when she saw me they would start ribbing her and teasing her and she would smile and blush. One time I was sitting in my room on my computer and she surprised me from behind by throwing her arms around me. Still, too shy to pursue anything though I think I did go to her room one time and talk to her briefly. I can't remember about what (probably just random small talk).

Later, when my now-wife and I first started dating (over long-distance) I was kinda freaked out at the very beginning (she was my first girlfriend) and actually asked her not to call me so much. A while later when she said "I don't know if you've realized this, but I fell in love with you somewhere along the way" I think I might have just said "ohhh...", totally dumbfounded and oblivious. Fortunately it's worked out. :)


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...or man? haha :)
i've had to turn down guys simply because of anxiety =/ going on dates, restaurants, etc.. and i've always had a big issue with movie theaters!!
pretty much sucks 'cause i'm a big fan of the whole flirting/making out thing! ..no idea why, haha!! :D dangit!