has anyone


to deal with my shyness and social anxiety i used to exibit bizzare behaviour patterns in order to cover up for how insecure i am and why time i made bird noises for a while, has anyone else done this?


Well-known member
I am chewing gum all the time,to get my mouth doing something,some people have asked me why I chew gum all the time.


Well-known member
Sometimes, when I am in a social situation, I tend to make peculiar noises to ease the tension I feel. Although the alleged "tension" is usually caused by my insecurity.


i always used to do loads of mad, nor mally drink and take drugs in order to do loads of mad shit, just ended up alienating me a whole lot more.


never made bird noises (not that im aware of anyway!) but i do have a nervous cough and ive done loads of mad/crazy stuff in the past (not bad stuff, just mad stuff) if that makes sense!


Well-known member
Um, taking my phone out of my coat every 2 seconds to make it look as if i'm doing something to avoid looking at people or have them look at me . *shudders*
Even walking up a path, even in a shop, even on the bus..everywhere !!
And if i've forgotten my phone i die.
End of story.x


Well-known member
I laugh and smile a lot when I'm nervous. Which is a lot of the time. And it's not just a normal laugh, it's kind of hysterical. Even when something's not really that funny... *laughing at the wrong time*

I also wear a rubber band round my arm, that I snap against my skin, to deal with anxiety and self-mutilation.
But nothing really out of the ordinary, I guess.


Active member
ii do the phone thing to .. pretend that im txting or surfing the net .. i also make popping sounds with my lips and rub the back of my neck alot when im nervous


Well-known member
I do the neck thing alot yeah, i also have this habit of looking up to the sky it's quite bizarre. but i look for outlets anywhere tbh...


Well-known member
I always keep my eyes focused ONLY on what I'm doing. Not even wanting to know what's going on around me. I'm afraid that if I look up I'll see somebody looking at me.


Well-known member
I sometimes behave oddly, unsure of myself, when I am nervous. Like I move quickly, or turn my head quickly. Or suddenly speak up. Some of my "associates" made jokes and had a loud laugh about it. If I were 10, maybe their b**sh*t would have increased my social-phobia. But as an adult, I now don't care that much other than acknowledging such people to be selfish, rude scums.


Well-known member
I'll usually bite my nails. When I was in school I used to just go to sleep in class lol. And when I was about 10 yrs. old I started doin this thing where I'd play with my eyelashes, but now it's a REALLY bad habit. I also have to chew gum a lot of times to make me feel a little more relaxed.


Well-known member
I have some nervous tics, especially when it comes to my hands. They're always fidgeting or playing with something. I got into the habit of carrying a deck of playing cards in my jacket pocket which I will sometimes shuffle or play around with, just to give my fingers something to do. No bird noises yet though, hehe.