Has anyone taken multiple overdoses, cutting bingeing because emotions get too much?


Well-known member
Yes, when I was young I did both. I would fight with my mom, and it would get so intense that I would cut/overdose because I couldn't find another outlet. I ended up in the hospital, and when they were pumping my stomach I saw the look on my moms face and I never did it again. Honestly I stopped cutting because my mom (a tough love kind of woman) told me she'd commit me.

First, you need to talk to someone. Not the internet, and not your peers. You need to talk to an authority figure, like your parents, someone who has influence and control over your life.

Second, find another outlet. If its screaming, scream. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Break something. Anything that doesn't result in harming you or someone else.
Not sure this should be in the OCD area.

Talk to us or some of us or one of us. Certainly there are those around you that would like to know you more.

Only overdoes I take now-a-days is allergy meds and Aleve. Sucks being big and tall sometimes.

Binge, what's that? Drinking to excess? Never never never ... One more beer and I'll be fine.

Speak your mind.


Well-known member

Newspapers are filled with murders; suicides almost never, even though the suicide rate is twice the homicide. It's a taboo subject, we don't talk about it, and maybe we should.

I've never cut, I've never deliberately set out to cause myself pain, other that then suicide attempts, and those were actually a flight from pain. That said, I do physically scratch or hit myself to try to get rid of particularly agonizing memories. It's not something I have conscious control over.

I landed myself in hospital twice from overdoses, having to drink that almost impossible to swallow charcoal stuff.

I have a scar on the inside of my left wrist where I tried to slash it. Man that hurts.

I'm not brave enough to kill myself. I drank almost a whole bottle of neat gin one time, trying to lower my inhibitions enough to go through with hanging myself; still couldn't do it. It's a miracle I didn't die of alcohol poisoning.

The body is built from the genes up to protect itself. Suicide is hard. The amount of pain a person must be in to successfully commit it makes me cry to think about.

When I was working for the Samaritans, we were taught that it's very difficult to maintain such an extreme state of distress, and that if you can keep the person talking for an hour, it will most likely pass. So calling a suicide hotline might help if it all gets too much.

I haven't been actively suicidal the past four years, although I do still daydream sometimes about getting cancer or hit by a meteorite. Finding the right cocktail of meds has helped, as has therapy. As MercySparx says, get help.

I still hurt, but it's no longer overwhelming. I kinda want to see what happens to the world over the next forty years. I want to watch my nephews grow up.


Well-known member
I use to cut my first year of college. I'm embarrassed by the scars on my abdomen. I usually don't where bathing suits that show my stomach and it's hard for me to open up to a guy because I'm afraid of what they would think if they ever saw the scars. I wish I never did it. The scars weren't worth the temporary comfort it gave me.


Well-known member
I never cut myself but I used to harm myself like weird stuff, punching my head multiple times and banging it against the wall. What I find as an outlet for myself is aggressive music and at the time pot which seems to calm me down but everyone is different. I really feel unlike myself you'd be able to open up to someone which will help you more than it would me, someone close is the least judgmental.

Little Miss Muffet

Well-known member
Thank you to everyone who replied Ive been sitting here for ages starting to write to you all individually but for some reason i cant. I just want you all to know im really gratefull for taking the time to respond.
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Well-known member
Thank you to everyone who replied Ive been sitting here for ages starting to write to you all individually but for some reason i cant. I just want you all to know im really gratefull for taking the time to respond.

You do really need to tell someone whos in your life. When you aren't thinking clearly, sometimes you need to hand over control of your life to someone else. I was in an abusive relationship and my mother basically put me in lockdown. Between her and my best friend they were monitering all my internet activity, phone, xbox, everything. I couldn't leave the house until my friend came in and talked to my mom. If my mom didn't trust that person, I was staying home. I was never alone, they treated me like a drug addict. I wasn't a child when this happened, I was 18. It sucked at first, but I knew it was for my own good, and looking back I am so thankful that my mom was so strict, or I would still be with that *******, or more likely dead.


Active member
Numerous times for all of these. Cutting is something that began when I was 12.. Now I'm 20. o_O it's been off and on and the scars on my legs are proof to emotions I've dealt with. I'm now in treatment and seeing a counselor but still struggling! There are lots of tricks that are supposed to help with this, unfortunately if your so stuck to grabbin the razor or bottle everytime you Begin to feel a way you don't want to feel, it's harder to stop. None the less never to late And you should probably strive to stop and love your body and yourself overall!(=

Little Miss Muffet

Well-known member
Thank you everyone for replying. Ive spoken to someone. This thread wasnt cos I was feeling suicidal - those things I did in the past as a way of coping. I just wanted to see if anyone was willing to chat to me about this stuff because its pretty negative and I didnt want to bring people down by just approaching them in Chat and I worry people might feel like they had to talk xxx


Active member
I'm glad you're not feelin that way. I know for myself I feel super alone sometimes but all the responses on this page and every person in your life who cares for you is evidence we are not.
I remember downing a whole new pack of paracetomol one after another, and about 3 of my mothers thyroxine pills that were left in the packet from the cupboard that I stole. When I think about it now, it makes me feel selfish that I could put my family through that kind of grief, but at the time I was prepared to take my own life. I felt like I had no one to turn to and it would be best if I didn't exist, I longed to feel numb and emotionless for once. It just goes to show what effect people can have on you, to take you out of your right frame of mind so that you actually want to die.


Well-known member
Yes. Unfortunately there is no one to talk to.
Not even my parents.
All I have are Outlets, but even those don't have much effect.