Has anyone had success with Iontophoresis for their feet?



I am thinking about trying Ionto for my feet. I have a rarer form of Hyperhidrosis where it is just my feet that sweat excessively. I've had times where my hands would get slightly clammy but those times have past. I only get slightly clammy hands sometimes while playing video games, or if i'm anxious/nervous = not hyperhidrosis.

Anyway, has anyone had success with Iontophoresis for the feet? How much did it help the sweating? And do you recommend it?

Thanks again


20 years old/male


Well-known member
Iomto Can work easily enough on your feet. Each foot goes in it's own tray. Ionto has helped my feet sweating about upto 85% more or less.


Ionto can work, we often perform one hand one foot ionto, if you have plantar HH, either tap water, or Glyco Ionto can work...

Make sure you wear cotton socks, change frequently, absorbable soles etc...etc... as adjunctive treatment.


Well-known member
I have 100% dryness on my feet using ionto. I started using it daily for 20mins on 10ma untill it controlled my foot sweating. I now use the machine every 2 weeks which keeps it completely under control.
Good luck and totally worth buying a machine.
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Hey ukchick,

That's awesome! Which machine do you use if you don't mind me asking? 100% dryness seems crazy to me! Do they sweat at all? in shoes? Also, how bad was your feet sweating before you started Ionto? My toes are always super clammy and wet, no matter what. It's annoying to say the least. Thanks for your time!


Well-known member
Hi Dom,
My feet were pretty wet,I would slip about walking bare footed on wooden floor.
I used the Hidrex 1000 which worked but I am now currently using the Idrostar, which has given me the same result.I used to feel uneasy using the Hidrex with it having a mains plug,the Idrostar uses a battery.
I did have a situation where the Hidrex stopped working but I gave it a month break and started the routine again,it worked.So I realise that if the Idrostar stops working,I would do the same..leave a gap and start again.
Feel free to message me if I can help with any questions.


Well-known member
Just a thought...the only other thing that I notice with no sweating is I can get quite severe itching on my feet but that usually subsides with foot cream.


other than itching do your feet get swollen or red? Also, how did you go about getting a machine? And were u able to get any of the price covered by insurance? Thanks


Well-known member
No..I have no redness or swelling. You have to bare in mind that I guess results vary for people.
I live in the UK so both machines did cost around £500 each.
Sometimes these machines pop up on ebay.
I remember wearing canvas shoes years ago and realising that there were huge sweat patches on them..visible from the outside of the shoe..sooo awful.
I have enjoyed lovely foot massages now,before ionto I would have never ever ever allowed anyone to touch my feet..feels amazing.
Good luck


You mentioned u now have 100% dry feet when using Ionto. Does that mean your feet don't sweat at all anymore? If you wear shoes all day or for a couple hours will your socks/feet be wet? My feet tend to sweat all the time, even when i'm at home not doing much at all. What does 100% mean for u? Thanks


Well-known member
They honestly are dry even after wearing shoes all day. I actually wore wedge sandals all summer without any sweating. I can walk about the house bare foot even at a friends house.
As I mentioned the Hidrex stopped working at one point though, so what happened was that the sweating gradually returned over a period of a week. I waited a month and then started the routine again.
If you are worried about the cost,is there anyone you could borrow a machine from to try?
My daughter has been using the machine for a year and a half for her hands and can not get any improvement at all. We all vary I guess.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
When my hands are completely dry from ionto sessions, my feet automatically don't sweat either. I don't know if other people have noticed this or not. I've never actually performed iontophoresis on my feet. They just seem linked somehow.
Hello, I have HH of the hands and feet, but i have only ever treated my hands with Iontophoresis, but once my hands stop sweating my feet do do. My feet sweat at the exact same time my hands do and prob the same rate also. Now that my hands are cured so are my feet. Quite strange, but does anybody else have this happen to them also?
I didn't actually see Soy sauce comment until just now, I really don't know why this happens, like i remember reading somewhere that the Iontophoresis blocks the sweat glands of the hands which are in the hands themselves, i wonder is this correct since it stops my feet without treating them? Maybe the treatment is effecting something internally in the body that produces the sweat?
I would love to know why this happens. But all my life my feet would sweat at the same time and rate as my hands and when my hands were dry my feet were dry. Its like they are connected. I never experienced just sweat on my hands without out my feet sweating or vice versa. Might put a new thread up on this to see do other people experience the same thing as me and Soy Sauce..


Well-known member
I wish only my feet sweat and no where else in my body. Currently, I sweat a lot on my back, nose, and armpit, so I get visible sweat stains on my shirts which can be embarassing.


That is quite common to find that feet respond when hands are treated. We notice that as well. We often concentrate on palmar HH (hands) and in 30-50% of cases, plantar HH respond as well, esp if you do the one foot one hand ionto.

Worth a try.
