Has anyone been to Finland?


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ALL Finns have Social Anxiety Disorder

I keep hearing that Finland has an abnormally high rate of Social Anxiety disorder among its adolescents and young adults. Has anyone hear ever been to Finland? Are they quieter than usual there?

If so, I might consider learning Finnish and moving there. LOL.
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Well-known member
I've never been there, but I'm considering studying abroad there for grad school.

Weird, I'll have to look into that (the high rate of adolescents with social anxiety). I've always heard reports about Finland being one of the happiest countries of the world.


I have been there once shortly. The people don´t seem different than anywhere else, I think with the SP is quite bullshit. Other things I would say - it´s very cold there, snow most of the year, finnish is very hard to learn but it´s easy to get by with english. It´s also extremely expensive to travel.


Well-known member
I always thought it was the country with highest rates of suicide, so you might be right. But why would you want to move there! :p


Well-known member
I would love to visit Finland one day,I heard the its mostly cold,up in the north you dont see the sun for some months,I dont know if its true,but it sounds like the paradise.


Well-known member
i heard they have high rate of depression because they dont get much sun and its cold there, also nordic people are more reserved and introvert.


Well-known member
I've heard that Sweden in particular has a high suicide rate probably because of the lack of daylight far up North. Scandinavian countries look beautiful and clean but i've heard that the prices of things are expensive.

I think that some nationalities have a tendency to differ in regards to personality, correct me if i am wrong o'r i'm being judgemental but i see Spanish, Italian, and other meditteraneans as being really lively, fiery, and extroverted, probably have less shy people there. British people have a tendency to be reserved atleast thats how we are viewed as by many nationalities.

Wales has a high suicide rate. There's been a bad spate of suicides amongst young people in Bridgend in the South of Wales.


Re: ALL Finns have Social Anxiety Disorder

I keep hearing that Finland has an abnormally high rate of Social Anxiety disorder among its adolescents and young adults. Has anyone hear ever been to Finland? Are they quieter than usual there?

If so, I might consider learning Finnish and moving there. LOL.

Well I'm finnish, but I've really got nothing to compare.
But in general finnish people are or think they are more reserved, less talktive people.
I think it's guite true, we don't have any big gestures in our culture, not much yelling. Honesty is apprecited. And we have the habit and culture of wanting to be alone, like in american tv shows there are white fenced houses with visible yards. we don't have them. Houses are more "covered" and if possible no yard is seen from the road. And even though there aren't lot people in cities either, always on holidays most finns go to their cabins in middle of forest, best place is consided to be far away from other neighbours.

I don't know about depression rates, before I thought it's just because we got good health care system so more people getting help = more people "registered" to be depressed. but right now 3 from my 7 friends are depressed (we are teenagers so, not completly sure is it compareable) including me that makes 4/8, 50% but in the end my friends and I are all bit "outsiders".

I wouldn't want learn finnish cause I know it wsould be too hard, I'm having hard time with finnish classes, as a native speaker. Too many rules and irreguralities.
I've been to Finland once for a couple of hours, but I've only see Vantaa Airport, lol. So I really don't know about the rates of SA there.
Highest suicide rate is in Lithuania. Sad, but true. I knew 2 suicided humans...
I would love to live in Finland. A lot of snow, wild nature, skying, fishing, good health care. I heard that they have 1,8 millions saunas and 5 mils of people :) What else you could want? But sadly I don't have money for that. Maybe one day I will find a job there :)


Well-known member
I only know one Finnish person. She's my mother's friend, and she worries about everything under the sun. Either she has the worst general anxiety of anyone I know or she loves to complain.

I'm pretty sure those countries have the highest depression and suicide rates because it's dark so much of the year. Think about (the other SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder: you get depressed in the winter. Well, winters are so much stronger when you're near the arctic circle! I believe they could have more SAD (I mean Social Anxiety Disorder this time) up there.

You'd probably end up more depressed.


New member
Here's one more who lives here in Fearland :rolleyes: I guess here is very much ppl who has SAD compared to amount of ppl living in this small and dark country. Most of the year it's very dark here but in the middle of short summer the sun doesn't go down.
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