Happy in my own misery


Well-known member
um i only drink on friday nights now lol :) now if it was fri night HELL YEA :D
Damn straight guys!
And Sunday night here, but if you take the anatomical scale and move it around, it can always be friday night!
I'm gonna have to walk to my old friends parents house and get that fools number for more beer cause I lost the damn idiots number.
Being agoraphobic with no car and an alcoholic sucks.
I'll be back!
Damn. Apparently his parents moved.
I just walked 30 minutes away for nothing.
I did see one guy goin to buy what was probably weed from another guy, which I would have normally walked up and asked if he had some girl to spare, but god damnit I didn't have any cash on me, only my card.
Damn it all tonight is gonna suck.
**** **** ****
I love you guys but **** it all. GO do your own god damn ****.
I've just been sitting here getting drunk for hours. Wanting to m,ingle. I go into chat rooms, it's all good.
I thought you were my friends.
Where are my friends when I need them
Eh **** it all. I 'll just go sob in my own corner.
**** man. ****
100 god damn views are you kidding me?
So 100 peopole came here to look, and only 5 wrote something.
Well **** you people who don't say ****.
Say whats on your mind. I don't care what it is. Just say it.
Dont ****ing look and then walk away. Tell me whats up.
getting drunk while feeling like this is awesome! Believe it or not, it helps (as long as you don't do it as a habit I suppose)

ToolShuggah, you and I can get piss drunk together anytime you feel like it ;)

Hope yo have a nice night regardless....

AND **** everyone that doesn't care enough to reply, right? ;)
Man thanks guys.
You all seem to be able to relate.
Yeah I havent been this drunk in a while. But I wish I could more often.
I feel like things are more clear. But the more clearly I see, the more I lose hope. The more I realize my brain is control. No matter what I think, my brain is the ultimate decider. It decided what is real and what to believe in. It decides whether or not I can live or die. But if I live, my brain decides what makes me happy.
I can choose to believe. Or I cannot
How do I decide what is real and not when I realize this?
How do I decide what I should do. What path my life should take.
Alcohol is an amazing thing. I realize this when I'm drunk.
When I'm not I'm contempt in my own self, knowing whatever you think doesnt matter. And whatever I do, no matter what hope I give to myself, must matter.
Its hard.
My psychiatrist told me agoraphobic drunks are most likely to kill themself.
Now I know why.
I've known why, but sometimes I choose not to believe.
But when I really think about it. Why. Why does anything exist. Why am I here?
I try to give reason to why I exist. I try to give meaning to my life.
But in the end, it's my own reasoning that brings me here. To you.
To myself.
What am I? Why should I exist? Why don't people like me, and how can I contribute being who I am.
I want to die now. But I wont. I don't have a gun.
But I would. I'm so close.
I don't know what to say, other than I love you.
That's why I make posts that I love you. Because I do.
I care. I do. But people have treated me like ****. I have a grudge. All I want to do is live a life of caring, and that people may care about me in return.
But I can't. My brain won't let me. It gets confused. There is no right and wrong. There is no religion or belief.
It's only what my mind tells me.
And I have to force it to tell me life is worth living. I have to.
But how when I know it's just me at the controls.
lol Hi.
Thanks :)
Yeah. I guess I was a little harsh back there.
Well now you all know what happens when I get drunk. I told you, all of the bitterness and jealousy rages out. I warned you!

Hmm. Maybe this can be my drunk topic where I just come back here and rant about stuff and act like a jack ass when I'm drunk.

Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Why do you think it is that so many of us anxiety and depression sufferers turn to alcohol and drugs as a temporary solution to our problems. I know I did at a stage and well it got me nothing more than a lot of hangovers and addiction problems to add to my anxiety disorder. Thank goodness those days are gone now, I still enjoy a beer or two but going overboard has luckily stopped.

Just a though I wanted to share. All the best to everyone for today.
Well it's more than just a stage for me. I've been this way for over 10 years.
Possible I could call this time in my life a stage in the future, but it's not easy when you can look back at past stages and see the same thing.
For me, alcohol is my survival. I better have a beer or a video game near me or I'm not gonna make it.