

Well-known member
Depression is a real bitch.

I've never been able to shake this feeling for a very long time. It's even worse when you're alone or feel as if you're alone.

To everyone that's struggling. Just know that every moment itself passes and in the end if you can find just that little bit more of inner peace, consider that everything has been worth while. Never stop trying.


Well-known member
Your happiness type matters - CNN.com

The article above talks about 2 kinds of happiness: Hedonic well-being and eudaimonic well-being. It then goes on to imply that eudaimonic well being might be better for long-term health than hedonic well being.

So, which type of happiness do I want to pursue? The answer is neither. It's like choosing between 2 extremes. I know I can never be Mother Teresa or Bill Gates and I'm not a people person, so that rules out eudaimonic happiness. I'm also not into the pusuit of hedonism.

I don't want happiness. Just contentment.

Same goes for me too. Maybe, I don't want happiness at all; I just want contentment. If you put me in a hut in the middle of a forest with enough water, food, shelter, clothes, health care, and other essential needs to last for a lifetime, I would be content. I'm not greedy as to wish for more, say a vacation in the Bahamas or a boyfriend. I would be content the way I am.

I'm agoraphobic. I'm already spending most of my time inside my house and I'm used to it. There's no motivation for me to go out and party, go to clubs, vacation, etc. I'm content. But if you force me out of the house, I become unhappy and perhaps depressed.

I'm not depressed at this point. But I know I will become depressed soon, when school starts and I have to be forced out of my house.


Well-known member
Ironically I think the only way to be happy is to be with ourselves, face sadness, failures instead of fighting them or pretending they're not there, because our minds know they are. At the same time, working to get the things that are important to us, seek help when we need it.


Well-known member
one of the techniques they taught us in adult partial hospital was the "half-smile." Just do a little smile even if you don't feel like it, and it sends signals to your brain.

I've tried it in my worst depression, and you can feel it working. It's not pretending, it's therapeutic! :)


Well-known member
One must have one's delusions to live. If you look at life too honestly and too clearly life does become unbearable because it's a pretty grim enterprise,"
I agree, with the mind over matter thing.​
Happiness is a emotion and not base on what we have or want. If we are to yoos to an emotion we are going to have that emotion no matter what we have. What happen to us in this world is defined by our actions and our actions are defined by our thoughts.