Good Morning to those of you on the West Coast; Greetings to all<3


Hello, my name is Susy.

My apologies, in advance, if my posts seems childish. I have zero experience when it comes to participating in forums. Yeah, my social anxiety is that severe that I even get anxiety over people reading the post I make...<<;

However, I decided to do one uncomfortable thing each day in order to overcome my fears. And I plan to keep that promise to myself, and actively post. Even if, no one in the end reads them. I just understood that loving yourself requires more than belief but actions. Actions that say that I love myself for who I am by taking better care of myself.

For the longest period of time, I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me (exactly). When I was younger, I remember my teacher recommending me to go through this book that listed all these coping skills. And to be frank, I didn't know then that I had issues socially interacting with other children. I thought at the time I was going a normal phase of childhood development. What was wrong with being a bit shy?

But as I got older, my self-image and confidence shattered to pieces.. As much as I wanted to be friendly and sociable to other people, I would get so much anxiety from the social situation itself that I end up avoiding any social confrontation with people. Because of that whenever I have something I need to do, I end up preferring to do it alone. And in the end, I take off more than I can chew. And the self-loathing begins. Seriously, its a vicious cycle I wish to stop doing.

While researching treatments and therapy for my condition, I was happy to know that I wasn't the only one going through something like this. It was a sigh of relief to know that I wasn't really "stupid" or "lacked motivation" getting over some sort of juvenile phase. And that other people were/are also trying their best to work it out, and some have actually achieved success!

I thought for the longest time that I generally liked to take people for their word and hated it when people beat around the bush because I liked being honest. But now, I am beginning to wonder whether that is actually true or if it is my social ineptitude talking. I didn't realized that its not what the person says that is important but what they mean by it that counts. It's still a thought I need my head to get use to.

I hope to make friends here, could use some serious improvement on my communication skills.


Well-known member
Welcome Susy:D! You'll make some friends on here, I promise!

You're right; loving oneself is proven through your beliefs as well as your actions. You're very brave for fighting your fears. Just take things one step at a time and you'll be freed before you know it!


Well-known member
Hey Susy, welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll make many friends here :) I'm not on West Coast but good morning.


Good morning to you to, srijita52.
Its nice to know I won't be talking to a wall in this forum.


Well-known member
Hello, Susy. I'm not on the west coast or even in America, but it is morning here so, uh, good morning!

Good for you for rising to the challenge of doing one uncomfortable thing every day. It's a tough thing to do but I hope you reap the rewards of your efforts very soon. And all of us here will be behind you every step of the way!


Thanks Mikey C, thanks to all you guys I truly feel like I have a place to belong. This is great <3


Well-known member
Heyas Susyq - welcome to SPW forums woohoo! First, I LOVE (or loved) suzie-qs. Both the hostess and the CCR song :D

2nd, West Coast represents! Have a good day and time here, hope this place helps a little. Or a lot. :)