Going out alone...


Well-known member
For those of us without any friends, do you still put time aside to "go out"? I have to say that I rarely have the energy to even leave my apartment...I really don't have a NEED to but it helps to get some fresh air since I leave my apartment twice a week tops. ::(:

When you leave your house do you have a predetermined goal in mind? Or do you just wander about aimlessly such as myself?


Well-known member
I like to amble around the lake near my home from time to time. Thats usually either in the middle of the night or in the very early morning. God forbid I run into another human!:eek:


Well-known member
I like to amble around the lake near my home from time to time. Thats usually either in the middle of the night or in the very early morning. God forbid I run into another human!:eek:

Eep! I know the feeling...I've been taking walks in the mall by my house for apt. for a while now to try to help with exposure.


Well-known member
I go out a lot by myself to like for groceries or going to the mall etc. Sometimes I go out even if I have to get something little. I also go to movies and eat out by myself at times when I feel comfortable.

petrified eyes

Well-known member
I force myself to go for a 30 minute to 2 hour walk 4 or 5 days a week, I don't have a specific route, I just wander around. Maybe once or twice a month, I'll go to the park and read, or go hiking in the gorge. I'll sometimes go to the coffee shop or a restaurant on a slow day. I'll go grocery shopping once in a while, but it's not an enjoyable experience, even with self-serve checkouts.


Well-known member
sometimes but there's usually someone who just happens to be walking where i am and don't want to have that awkward looking everywhere around but you thing :( i go to the gym alone also i like to drive by myself and liston to music with the windows down


Well-known member
I go to college 5 days a week. 2 of those days I'm in college from 7 a.m. to ~ 7:15 p.m. I'm basically around people all the time.

I have to say that I rarely have the energy to even leave my apartment

I had lethargy like that at times, usually over breaks. If I don't take time to take a long walk at least once per week, it's harder to do so next week, and so forth.


Well-known member
^ Yeah. I got sick almost a month ago (chickenpox) and it was pretty severe and I stayed 6 days in the hospital and then I came back and never got out since then since I didn't feel exactly back to normal yet. So that was a month without going out at all and that's probably the longest I've ever spent without going out of the house. So now I'm pretty much back to normal but I don't wanna go out at all. Feels like a nightmare to walk back into this society. I think I enjoyed that month a lot really :/


Well-known member
Yeah all the time! It does feel odd not having someone with you, but I do get some enjoyment out of it, sometimes you just need to get out of the house even when everyone is busy (or if you have no one to go with). I often go shopping and wander around places alone as well as taking photographs. I also go to places to eat alone (though not a restaurant). But I guess it must be difficult for someone who has SA, I'd say if you manage to be comfortable with yourself outside, I think that's a great achievement.


Sometimes im just more comfortable going somewhere on my own. Maybe a movie. I like going to study at a cool diner by myself although i might look weird with books scattered everywhere eating and writing. Sometimes I can hang out with friends, usually not long though, and nothing intamant like dinner. I could do a club, a live show, but having to sit down and make conversation skeeves me the hell out. Thats why I turn down dates. Ugh ima be alone forever!:eek:
I only venture out alone when there is a reason/necessity for it, like for groceries etc.
I can't remember the last time I went somewhere alone for the sole reason of doing something pleasurable.
It is not a case of not wanting to, I just always find an excuse to put it off to another day!
Think I have undiagnosed AvPD.


Well-known member
I dont like going out alone, I feel too anxious/self conscious on my own than i do with friends, I feel like all the attention/spotlight is on me, when it clearly isnt, its just myself highlighting my weaknesses and having a negative perspective on things, the mind is evil. evil.


Well-known member
Uhhm good question.. when I'm alone I don't make plans to go out and do things that I want to do... I go out when I need to, and because I buy my own food I have to go out every 3 days..

Life and activities are not fun alone for me. Unless it's an activity that gives the illusion that I am not alone, such as watching a movie that other people have created, in a sense it's a kind of human interaction from the past.