Girls aren't that great!


Well-known member
The way i see it is that it is actually very rare to see relationships that are fully genuine and not based on an agenda or superficiality, which is why i'm probably single out of thinking that a girl will see it that way , so many relationships just seem to exist and are based on "well fuck it if i'm not in one then i wont be able to marry, have kids, be seen with a partner, have financial back-up" ..

three of my friends had their hearts broken by girls that were "free and easy" meaning they'll jump at any guy that shows the slightest interest in them, so of course it wont last long ...another friend had helped this girl get back on her feet, provided, looked after her, they then got married and she ended up leaving him on the spur for the soul reason that she thought he talked about his hobbies of geeky comic books too often when she didnt to seem to have any hobbies herself, she took most of the shared posessions and left him with alot of debt that he couldn't handle, its so wrong but its all too common ..

Lets be honest its always rosy and exciting initially but usually fizzles out over time, thats why divorce rates are so high and couples seem adament on spending all their time together, hitched with no real purpose but because society is conditioned to live this traditional acustomed lifestyle its just how it works ...

i think true love in its natural form is very rare but you see it in some people and it means the chemistry is constant, there is no agenda or real expectations of that person to change their interests or persona to suit you and the buzz factor doesnt fade over time .

i dont get how people can go on blind dates or date if you've never had a friendship with that person, yet i also see this occur alot, its so illogical or is it just a physical endeavour? i would have thought you'd want to get to know them for a while before venturing down that path ..

anyhoo i;m not describing my thoughts well at all at all so i'll end it here, hopefully i got some of it across ..
Has anyone ever heard of the ugly duck? or the Beauty and the Beast? or the frog that had a prince inside who only showed out when a girl kissed it?
As I see it, today girls go to discos to flirt and to 'bitch' (as i read in a USA girls' forum). They have sex with strangers who they shall never see again (that point seems to be an important one) and then, when they have already had sex with several strangers they found in discos, they regret about "men are all the same" and bla bla bla like they are angels who never broke a thing., and they seem to oversee the nice good boys like us.
And there you have the ugly ducks, Beasts, and prince-frogs who never had a girlfriend, while they really are what girls really need.
I could give such a huge amount of love, affection, tenderness... a girl should be the most happy one with just that , and without needing anything else than that. But you see... i'm always on my own, and doesn't seem like any girl is ever going to be interested in me, cause i'm not a winner, and i'm not self-secure, and i'm not this or that....
Does a self-secure man make you happy just by being self-secure? Does a pretty face make you happy? does a winner make you happy by just being a winner? Don't you all think there are some more important things than just material and physical ones???

Sorry, but I do see such a disgraceful mistake in all this!!


Well-known member
Girls only wants you if you don't want her so much. She only wants you if she knows that she is just an alternative for something good in his life. Girls wants to convice the guy they like to like her. To choose her over something else. If he already likes her from the beginning just as much as she likes him then he is boring. :p


Active member
zootdroop said:
shield said:
I think a lot of guys on here who are still virgins should go to a brothel. Guys if it's such a big deal to you being a virgin just go and have sex with some prostitutes. You will be awful at first but who cares you need some practice and I think it will make you feel a whole lot better to just get it out of your system and feel that you are on the same level as everyone else. I did it and that's how I got over my feelings of inferiority for never having had a girlfriend.

I don't know about anybody else, but me wanting a girlfriend has really nothing to do with sex. I just want somebody who I like and more importantly likes me. I'm sure sex would happen if I found someone, but it's really not the thing that's making me want someone. Being a virgin doesn't bother me in the least. I wanna cuddle and hold hands with a girl more than have sex with one.

i agree man. i am with you there.


New member
drd77 said:
zootdroop said:
shield said:
I think a lot of guys on here who are still virgins should go to a brothel. Guys if it's such a big deal to you being a virgin just go and have sex with some prostitutes. You will be awful at first but who cares you need some practice and I think it will make you feel a whole lot better to just get it out of your system and feel that you are on the same level as everyone else. I did it and that's how I got over my feelings of inferiority for never having had a girlfriend.

I don't know about anybody else, but me wanting a girlfriend has really nothing to do with sex. I just want somebody who I like and more importantly likes me. I'm sure sex would happen if I found someone, but it's really not the thing that's making me want someone. Being a virgin doesn't bother me in the least. I wanna cuddle and hold hands with a girl more than have sex with one.

i agree man. i am with you there.

me too. you know 80% of the people say that their first time was HORRIBLE because "it didn' fit" or other kinda traumatic things. instead, just being close to a girl you like/love, touching a little bit,... is also really comfortable and fun.
well that's the opinion from a virgin :wink:
but i'm only 15 so I don't really worry about having sex asap.


Well-known member
Strong_Silent_One said:
Has anyone ever heard of the ugly duck? or the Beauty and the Beast? or the frog that had a prince inside who only showed out when a girl kissed it?
As I see it, today girls go to discos to flirt and to 'bitch' (as i read in a USA girls' forum). They have sex with strangers who they shall never see again (that point seems to be an important one) and then, when they have already had sex with several strangers they found in discos, they regret about "men are all the same" and bla bla bla like they are angels who never broke a thing., and they seem to oversee the nice good boys like us.
And there you have the ugly ducks, Beasts, and prince-frogs who never had a girlfriend, while they really are what girls really need.
I could give such a huge amount of love, affection, tenderness... a girl should be the most happy one with just that , and without needing anything else than that. But you see... i'm always on my own, and doesn't seem like any girl is ever going to be interested in me, cause i'm not a winner, and i'm not self-secure, and i'm not this or that....
Does a self-secure man make you happy just by being self-secure? Does a pretty face make you happy? does a winner make you happy by just being a winner? Don't you all think there are some more important things than just material and physical ones???

Sorry, but I do see such a disgraceful mistake in all this!!

And the same thing can also said for many men.
We're all freakin' disgraceful mistakes :lol:

Oh no :roll:


Well-known member
I sometimes like the idea of a girlfriend but i think this may be because i see other people having them and i want the attention they get from girls, even though in alot of ways i dont want a girlfriend, and i cant see myself wanting to get married anytime. I just sometimes whish girls would tlk to me and be interested in me, even though in alo of other ways i dont at the same time as i am very shy in those situations. However it is sex that i would like the most really, shield you made a god point, but for some reason for me a brothell would be a last last resort, i just really wish sometimes i will be able to have sex withought going to a prostitute, and have a girl actualy want to have sex with me. But one main thing stopping m doing that is its hard to find brothels here in England, not that ive looked for them, but its not like in other european countries where there are big luxory brothels everywhere. I am 18 and have never had sex or even kissed a girl in my life. People would say "Well how can you not have had the chance to", but i really havn't. This makes me resort to watching porn, which people say is negative and that you should just have sex with a real partner, but if you dont have one what are you expected to do? I have to do something, even though it just makes me wish i could have sex even more


Well-known member
In England and the US everyone is meant to have sex early there is a lot of pressure. In other countries it's not uncommon for men to be virgins until around the age of 30.
Hey guys,

Take my wife, please!

Seriously, what I mean is that what others have been saying is correct. You're barking up the wrong tree. It's nice to have a significant other but it's not gonna solve your problems and will only make you happy and confident for a short while if you're have social anxiety. I did finally get married and after 7 years of marriage my wife and I are doing very well but sometimes she drives me batshit. That's marriage. It's not about holding hands anymore.

Anyway, one other point... Don't sweat not having a gf in your teens or even your twenties. Hold on til your 30s and the playing field really starts evening out and you'll find it much easier to meet and relate well with women. Especially if you have a job and money by then.


Well-known member
shield said:
In England and the US everyone is meant to have sex early there is a lot of pressure. In other countries it's not uncommon for men to be virgins until around the age of 30.


And what other countries are these? In the past they probably had sex even earlier due to the earlier life expectancy.


Well-known member
Rabindranath said:
Often, Muslim countries with high unemployment.

I read somewhere that some of those Muslim countries, people have quite active sex lives contrary to belief. They have their Muslim "laws" though, which do seem a bit extreme.


Well-known member
Girls are great. I suffer from this severe mental disease and can't enjoy female companionship - saying that girls aren't great doesn't make me feel better, since I know it's a lie.


Well-known member
Girls are great. I suffer from this severe mental disease and can't enjoy female companionship - saying that girls aren't great doesn't make me feel better, since I know it's a lie.

Well if you look at people who don't have women they are often happy. Buddhist monks have been scientifically shown to be among the happiest people in the world. I think social contact is essential for health not neccessarily girls.


Active member
Argamemnon said:
Girls are great. I suffer from this severe mental disease and can't enjoy female companionship - saying that girls aren't great doesn't make me feel better, since I know it's a lie.

Something you don't know about and you claim its a lie?

Relationships are over-rated, women are unnecessarily complicated, I am very happy to be single.


Well-known member
Flaming_Badger said:
Relationships are over-rated, women are unnecessarily complicated, I am very happy to be single.
Have you ever experienced love and sex? Is it really that bad? :p