girls and playing with there hair


Well-known member
now iv always wondered about about this female thing :confused: why do girls when they fancy someone play with there hair , i mean sometimes girls will look at you walk up to you in the pub or whatever , and start a conversation :) then after a few min they will start making lots of eye contact whilst playing with there hair , some just stroke there hair , some just curl there fingers around and around in a circular motion in there hair , is it some nervous thing , or is it an automatic fancy a guy female responce , iv had lots of girls do it to me , i mean whats with the hair , why not a oh i dunno scratch the side of your face or curl your toes up or oh i dunno rub your hands together with glee as if to say ohh i like this guy ....... so girls whats with the hair , sorry if this is a silly question but iv always wondered about this hair female thing ;)


Well-known member
I think female hair must be played with. And until they get to know us, they'd rather not have us sticking our fingers in their hair.



Well-known member
not always. I always play with my hair and twiddle it round my fingers even when i dont fancy someone.
If anything when i fancy someone im very quiet and cant be relaxed!


Staff member
my mums always twiddled hers when watching TV, think its just a nervous habit


Well-known member
It's definitely flirting. I'm sure there are exceptions but for the most part she's giving you signals.


Well-known member
I play with my hair, rub it on my face, twirl it etc. Feels cool/smooth against the mouth or cheek. I think its a "stim" type of thing, relaxing maybe?


Active member
Men love long hair because its feminine, so by playing with it we are drawing the male eye to our femininity.
At least that's my story and i'm sticking to it :)
M xx


Well-known member
Re: girls and playing with their hair

I do it, too....that's why I don't have much hair left.

Back when I had long hair in high school and college, I never played with it. Even though it was soft and wavy and beautiful. But my hair made Fate awfully jealous, so she took it from me. Or maybe that was Lady Luck; I'm still not sure exactly where it went.

I play with my hair, rub it on my face, twirl it etc. Feels cool/smooth against the mouth or cheek. I think its a "stim" type of thing, relaxing maybe?

Forget relaxing, that just sounds sexy as hell! Even if it was that woman in NJ who wants to be the heaviest woman alive, it'd still be slightly sexy.
