Gift Giving


Well-known member
anyone else stress out over gift giving? i have the hardest time buying things for people, even those very close to me.

i just want to give them something of value that they'd love, but im always afraid ill buy them something they'll hate. and theyll end up thinking that i dont know them at all, lie to me saying they like it, or that it wont be enough for them.

and im aften too shy too ask people what they want or what they like, cause i feel like i should already know that. idk, im weird like that i guess

also when i do buy people something, i somtimes chicken out of giving it to them out of fear that they wont like it at all and i make up some excuse that i lost it, had to return it, or that it broke


Super Moderator
If others thought like that, they don't deserve to be given a gift c: And you don't need to give gifts to people to show that you care about them. You can show affection in a lot of other ways.


Well-known member
Usually as a rule that I have, I just give ppl gifts that I would wanna have myself and usually they like them too. But yes it can be hard when you want it be something special, you're often think it's not enough.


Well-known member
Ah I just give people money. People lurve money money money. It saves me the trouble of buying stuff. >_> It's also a good way of treating everyone equally.


Well-known member
Yes. Gift giving drives me insane! Even after I give the person the gift, I'm terrified that I somehow will offend them with it and that they will dislike it, and as a result judge me for it.

I end up having to thoroughly think through the personality of the person and all of my observations of them to try to figure out the ultimate gift. It's taxing, to be honest. xD


Well-known member
I enjoy gift giving. I like to buy people things at birthdays/christmas/etc...

I also used to occasionally just buy random people things for no reason, like I'd put £15 in my Steam account and buy 3 people a £5 game or something. just to be nice and brighten their day a bit. However I rarely even got a thank you, so I don't do that anymore.


Well-known member
I'm the same way chibi! In the past, I would over compensate and spend a lot of money (for me) in hopes they would like it. but now I realiize that if i can make it personal its better. and usually the people i buy gifts for aren't rich and they feel uncomfortable if i spend like $30+ on something.

It helps me to think in advance- ok what would this person want?

Usually people haven't complained if I bake them cookies or rice krispy treats (and its cheap to do)

yeha ive got a couple items around my house as gifts that i was too nervous to give.

Don't be afraid to ask! Most people are just happy that you're thinking of them!


Well-known member
I really like giving gifts.
What I have trouble with is accepting them from other people because I feel I don't deserve anything-- even in return for doing a favor or giving a gift, myself.
It doesn't feel like it evens out, somehow.

I try to look at it from the point of view of someone who likes to give, even.
I like to give.
But even if it feels nice for them to give me something, I still feel I don't deserve it and their money and time is better spend on someone else. On anyone else.


Well-known member
I really like giving gifts.
What I have trouble with is accepting them from other people because I feel I don't deserve anything-- even in return for doing a favor or giving a gift, myself.
It doesn't feel like it evens out, somehow.

im the same way, i feel really bad when people get me stuff, cause i feel i dont deserve anything. when i got my laptop for christmas, i ran off and cried cause i felt terrible and guilty that they spent so much money on me.