Getting better


Well-known member
Today was an awesome day for me.
I went to a party & was on fire socializing with everyone.
Initially my hands went cold & people would comment on it.
But the panic attack I was expecting never came.
It feels amazing that this can be handled. :p

I have experimenting with some new stuff that I have added to fix my SAD.
- Doing yoga poses specifically for anxiety for an hour everyday
- Getting atleast 15 mins of sunlight everyday
- Added Vit B, A & E, Magnesium & Calcium along with
Ashwagandha everyday

of these, yoga has given me a huge boost.

The first week of July was a low for me. I got layed off. My SAD was a huge factor in it.

But now I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.



Well-known member
Good for you champ I hope you keep getting better
I think im getting better aswell. I have learnt a few new tools and they seem to be making it better. The latest thing I tried to tackle was my thinking everyone is looking at me and exspecially people in cars. Now I just look at everyone and every car that goes past instead of walking around looking at the ground and thinking everyone was looking at me.
Its funny coz hardly anyone looks at you and if they do just look back and everyone looks away.
Just thought I would post this coz it might help someone else.