FWB with Shy Male Roommate


Well-known member
I think he wants more than a friends with benefits deal but is too shy to tell you. That's what I'm getting from it.


Well-known member
Well, your profile says that you're male but still not sure if you're male or female. If you're an attractive female anyway and if he gets cold right after, I suppose it's a bad sign... I recall one of my friends telling me about a very attractive friend that she had who was in a relationship with a guy and that immediately after every encounter he would tell her that he needed alone time, leave her and not get in touch with her only until the next time he needed sex... the only thing that he had for her was a carnal attraction. She eventually did the right thing and cut ties with him.


Well-known member
as a shy dude id be well uncomfortable in this situation id try avoiding you at any cost, and also be scared of my own feelings, if i were you id just tell him how you feel, no regrets


Well-known member
not trying to be mean but i wouldn't advise to have sex with someone you're not in a relationship with. it almost never works. :( you have to take it slow i think. trying to make eachother jealous is kind of immature. i would try to just be friends first and don't have sex unless you just want friends with benefits.


Well-known member
Hm. I'm not a shy guy, but if I were I think I'd be pretty confused at this point. I think you need to take the initiative to tell him exactly how you feel and see how he responds. He's probably not going to tell you how he feels without prompting. If you want a relationship with him now would be the perfect time to work on building good communication.