From boon to bane? Anyone recommend drugs?


I was thinking the other day now that I just turned 24, I'm interested in reading articles on "how to be happy" because I feel many days like I don't appreciate life despite my decent job, good family, and some close friends. But the major revelation I had was that when I was a kid, materialistically, I had a lot less. Some toys and clothes and what not probably more than most kids but I was SO happy growing up. Like I do feel that SA has ruined my life sometimes especially when things are not going too hot in my life as an adult. I know I blame SA first. I hate how I have fear like a lot of the time when I'm outside, like when people surprise me in my cubicle, etc. and I don't know why. I used to be THE most natural socializer in my classes, being friends with almost everyone and making others laugh. I was a pretty cool person enough to get asked to two high school proms by girls. But why as adults do we have to look on the Internet to determine how to be happy? I think it's that we had much more "community"-based active lives at school which kept me happy for sure.

When I was happy, I automatically loved myself more. I really hit the peak of my personality when I was 13-14 and got like 4 girlfriends and was just a really cool guy. In the last 8-9 years, I've had nothing but hook-ups (make out sessions wit mostly random chicks) or some one night stands. I realized it's hard to love yourself when you feel like no one loves you. And SA is like the barrier between who I can be and who I am. :( i WISH someone or something could help me. Like I almost am considering Valium or some drug. What do I do?

My second question is does anyone else feel like they were so social growing up and SA really inhibits personality sometimes espec. in group situations? Personally, most of my hang out sessions nowadays involve alcohol bcause it helps me a lot by making me think less and thus be anxious less. But I cannot be drunk more than on a Fri or Sat night. How do people wit SA like me be more normal on a daily basis, and calm? Even biologically without much side effect is perfect. Please advise. I really haven't had THAT many social F-ups but i can tell that this is just the beginning of the rest of my fearful life if I cannot get it straight.


Well-known member
There is a natural oil that my friend swears by, he says its like xanax, but non habit forming and just gives you a sens of well being. He uses it before presentations and job interviews etc. You just put two drops in a full glass of water, and make sure you drink a decent amount of water throughout the day. I dont remember the name of the stuff but I can find out for you if you want. :) just message me.