
I seem to find friends that I really dont have much in common with or are jerks, that is if I find any at all. I have come to find the ones I have now aren't great. They like doing many things I don't, they use me for various things, such as free food. And yet because I want some friends, I put up with it. I need so much to feel like I belong somewhere that I let it slide. I wish I could tell them off but I can't. I wish I could find more people like me, but I cant. What is am I to do.


Well-known member
I know how you feel. My friends are jerks too, we bond because of a couple mutual interests but they're the ones usually bringing me down in my sad feelings. But I've known most of them for years, like we went to school together so it's hard to break that tie. It doesn't help that since I don't have a job at the moment, school hasn't started for me yet and my SA kinda prevents me from going out all the time and being social I limit myself to these friends because I don't get put into enough situations to meet new ones.
My roommate is an old high school friend, is the bigger jerk of the 3 friends I have, the last friend I have isnt that big a jerk but he never is around, and doesnt want to hang much, you know the type, I dont want to do somethings because of my SA so I am not fun to be around.


Well-known member
Aww, I bet you are. Sounds like we just need new friends. But don't fret, things will get better and there are plenty of people to meet even if it seems like it won't happen. Besides everyone here is great about extending a helpful hand and friendship, I'll talk if you ever need to too.


Well-known member
I don't have any friends offline. There's one girl I've technically been friends with since first grade, but we've barely even communicated in years & see each other maybe once a year, if that. We really don't have anything in common, other than our history together. I never find anyone I can relate to, or have things in common with. I feel disconnected from nearly everyone. Honestly, I feel kind-of "better-than" the people around here. I don't want to be friends with "people like them." They're all on drugs, drink too much, have a bunch of kids, are in horrible relationships with guys who are in jail, etc. Those are NOT the type of people I want to associate with. I'd rather be alone.
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Well-known member
That's exactly what I said when I started this thread:

It's clear the friends I have now are very different from me. They are very extroverted, have very different beliefs, etc.
Meeting new friends is very difficult. And meeting new good friends is extremely difficult, especially once you are older and and you are not in school or college.
The only place where I've found it is easier to meet nice and interesting people is the net. This forum is full of nice and interesting people, for example. But after you meet someone online, I think you should meet in person too, otherwise everything will always be "virtual"... and often won't last as long as a real friendship in real life.
Yea, I understand it all, I have some people I talk to online, but the few I talk to are either way to far away to be anything more then just online friends, or after a while they drift off and I stay. Sadly this is a common theme in my life, I have had many friends and they drift off often.


Well-known member
I've never really had any friends to begin with. I had this guy I used to hang out with in Elementary School but we hardly did anything other than talk about serious things. I forgot about him after I was forced to change school and never made any friends there either.

High School was hell, I was hook up by some anti-social freak. This guy was crazy, he cuffed me to a dog's cage and almost killed me by hitting me with a log. He also tried to gouge one of my eye out. In the end all I could do was to act dead, no one gave a shit about me and fighting back would just get me into even more trouble than he would have gotten into if he had killed me. With the years I think I was bullied by every single bully in that school. People just stole my stuff without even a hint of hesitation, I was just a walking cadaver.

I met more sympathetic people in my last year, but although some would have called them friends, that word was long forgotten in my vocabulary. I forgot about them and ditched them out of my life on the very last day of school without even saying good bye.

Since High School I hardly ever talk to people, except if it's related to schoolwork.
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