Forced to get a job: would you lie about having experience?


Well-known member
And I never had a job before, so how could I get experience?

Yeah, kind of a "Catch-22."

But there's jobs that don't require any experience.

In fact, as someone who has hired a number of people, I can tell you that employers often prefer people with no experience so that they can be trained how the employer wants and not worry about them bringing any "bad" learned work habits with them.

Seriously - no experience and a willingness to work is usually worth WAY more than job experience and a bad attitude.


Well-known member
I dont think you should do this, if they offer you a job and then they found out you would be fired...


Yeah I'm so curious about those who do have a job now or recently had a job. I'm really thinking about applying now since I feel guilty being supported by the parents in my late 20's, and it would be nice to have more money in my bank account..heheh.
If you've had little to no prior experience, how the heck did you get a job? Was anyone completely honest during an interview?

The last time I worked was more than 5 years ago in a different state (counter person for food related places), and I only have an associates degree for general studies. I have no one to act as my reference since I basically lost contact of former employers and peers. In these times, even retail and food counters jobs are asking for people with experience in my area. And most dreaded requirement is to be a very happy, cheerful, fun person. In my past jobs, it took a lot of energy to fake this ideal person. I just wished I could keep it real and act like my normal calm self. I just don't know how to create my resume and how to explain the long gap between now and my last job. Thanks.


Well-known member
If you were forced to get a job, would you lie about having former work experience, even if you didn't have any?

I'm asking this because many of us are in our twenties and have no experience.

Most of the times, they'll check if your former job experience is true.


Well-known member
im moving to ireland soon and hell yea ill lie , ill be like oh yea i can do that , i can do this no worries :) sure i can do that as well no worries , iv dont it loads of times , do i look as stupid as i am :confused: actually dont answer that :eek:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
If you were forced to get a job, would you lie about having former work experience, even if you didn't have any?

I'm asking this because many of us are in our twenties and have no experience.

Depends on the job. I wouldn't try it for a job like an airline pilot obviously, but if I thought I could do the job, and the consequences of me being wrong wouldn't involve something serious like people losing bodyparts, then I might be tempted.

After all, if I don't apply for the job I definitely won't get it. If I lie a little and apply for it, I might get it. If I get found out they might fire me (or maybe not if I am actually doing the job well) but then I'd be in no worse a position than if I hadn't applied at all. (Assuming you don't already have a job that you'd stand to lose.)


Well-known member
I hate interviews. I'm kind of self-defeating so when they badger me and ask me what I'd do in certain situations or what I can do for the company, I freeze up and can't answer the right way. I just want the job, that's all. For the money. I'm not a bad person, or lazy, nor would I steal anything. I hate the personality questionairres on applications now. They make me feel retarded.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I hate interviews. I'm kind of self-defeating so when they badger me and ask me what I'd do in certain situations or what I can do for the company, I freeze up and can't answer the right way. I just want the job, that's all. For the money. I'm not a bad person, or lazy, nor would I steal anything. I hate the personality questionairres on applications now. They make me feel retarded.

Absolutely. I'm pretty good at interviews because I know exactly what I'm expected to say, but I still find the whole thing retarded. Why do I want to come and work here? Why do you think, idiot? Because you'll give me more of those little bits of paper every month than my current employer does. You know, the ones I can take into stores and exchange for stuff? What, you thought it was my life's ambition to spend 40 hours a week in this place with people like you? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D


Well-known member
Dont lie about things like this. Of course in interviews you have to sell yourself but saying you have had a job you havent had is a very bad idea, because they do check it once in a while.

But not all jobs requires experience and even though you dont have any experience, if they feel you can handle it, the you might get it
It depends on how many jobs are available in your country. If you need a job desperately, and there are very few jobs around, you should do anything within your power to get that job.

I might add, without lying. Rather more try to appeal to them with other good qualities, like ''inexperienced, but very willing to learn and work hard'' for example. :3
I don't mind to lie a little bit of here and there. Because, i know i can get away with it and they can't never find out the truth. But, to the extend of lying about having experience in something i don't know squad. I don't have the balls man...


Well-known member
well the moral thing is not to lie, in saying that these days there is so much game playing and pedanticness of unrealistic expectations from employers and there seems to be very little opportunity for those wanting a foot in the door. its clear that many entry level jobs often require 6months to 2 years experience in a working environment which is sometimes more then just having a diploma or a degree, they also want job experience. its absurd. if you look on the job sites there are probably 5 times as many senior jobs then there are entry level, junior ones.

its completely screwed up and so i wouldn't really blame people for making a glamerous resume, this means making the experience you do have more impressive then what it is.

for those who dont have any work experience past 24 years of age it would be difficult but there are alot of companies who would perhaps prefer someone who they can train from scratch and isnt overqualified ...

i think the key is too keep trying and work hard at finding a job.

but its very hard.

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
I do not think so!!

Anyone who says they lie (100%) in their resume meant that these people job-hop often, couldn't stay long in a company or are either really inexperienced. People do exaggerate a bit but they don't outright lie in their resume.

One day, your lies will get exposed (if you want to work in a fine job) and you would be in for dire consequences.

I would say it's best to emphasize on strengths or educational experiences instead.


Well-known member
I wish the only reason why I don't have a job was anxiety. I try.. no one is hiring or I just don't get picked... or I'm not doing something right.

And I would feel bad about lying that I have a experience because if I actually got luck and got hired, I wouldnt know what to do... I don't think I could get away with that. And I never had a job before, so how could I get experience?

i called a recruiting agency the other day and was asking about junior/entry level positions for a semi recent graduate and they basically stated that many of these jobs tend to go for the obvious guns or the technically gifted.

so you either have to be outstandingly talented or have good work experience already and this is just for graduate jobs. its insane and completely screwed up in my opinion.

i really feel that i'm sort of a hesitant "unsure" graduate who has the knowledge and average grades and some desire but not the super humans they ask for on the job adverts. i tend to read alot of job adverts in the technical IT field and they always ask for 3-4 languages i have never studied and it just makes me feel unworthy and crap

i also have this fear that if i'm hired the responsibilites may end up being way above my level of knowledge. i mean i know it could be the other way around but i'd hate to be this new employee who is snowed under from the expectations of the job ..

i seriously believe my future is looking very bleak, but i also believe it could be a positive future as well...

i really dont know
well the moral thing is not to lie

It's kinda hard not to lie sometime. You can call it white lie. I've gone to a few interview myself. They ask did i work for the past couple month. I'll just say i work for my relative. It's impossible to tell them the truth that... i have SA and stay at home for the past few month. If i say i work for relative in no way they can check it out... no harm done. In business, everyone one way or another.... that is how the world turn...


Well-known member
It's kinda hard not to lie sometime. You can call it white lie. I've gone to a few interview myself. They ask did i work for the past couple month. I'll just say i work for my relative. It's impossible to tell them the truth that... i have SA and stay at home for the past few month. If i say i work for relative in no way they can check it out... no harm done. In business, everyone one way or another.... that is how the world turn...

well the way recruitment works and the requirements of an interview, you are sort of forced to only emphasise the positive and the achievements, you are told not to admit weaknesses etc ..

so the nature of job hunting isn't exactly down to earth and honest anyway from what i've read and experienced so far, but that all depends on the sort of job you would be applying for as well ...i know that there may be employers who have different opinions about hiring especially if its a small business or a big business. but i think for a big company where they have the cliched model of hiring then you have to sort of play the game a bit.


Well-known member
I hate interviews. I'm kind of self-defeating so when they badger me and ask me what I'd do in certain situations or what I can do for the company, I freeze up and can't answer the right way. I just want the job, that's all. For the money. I'm not a bad person, or lazy, nor would I steal anything. I hate the personality questionairres on applications now. They make me feel retarded.

yes! it's like they sit you in a room with their clipboard and say, "sell yourself to me. you have 30 seconds. start... NOW." stare.

interviews are like a talent contest to find the best BSer.