fear of the mortuary slab!


fair enough i will be dead but im still not happy about the idea of people proding me open with electric drills and stuff, to have a look to see how i died, especially cause i could save them all the bother by telling them before hand!
and im not happy about them sticking me in one of those fridges! im sure thats where channel 4 gets the viewers for big brother!
on second thoughts though, what if im not really dead! and its just that the fkn expert was drunk before slicing me open, and then chucking me in the fridge beside his cheesy triangles, and his 6 pack of beer that he was going to have for his lunch break!
you never know what goes on in these places! they are not ****in turning me into a ****in hamburger!

anyone else have these thoughts (i fkn hope not::p:)

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
you wont feel a thing, says the medical student.

that's exactly why i intend to hide before i die. they grade you in school, evaluate you in life, do a background check, check your credit, if you cant avoid disection in life, im going to at least try to avoid it in death.

people are always trying to pick you a part!
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you wont feel a thing, says the medical student.

that's exactly why i intend to hide before i die. they grade you in school, evaluate you in life, do a background check, check your credit, if you cant avoid disection in life, im going to at least try to avoid it in death.

people are always trying to pick you a part!

and theres no need to "evaluate" me! i know exactly what i love! as soon as that ****in pub opens!


Well, it could be worse. The mortician/coroner could be an alcoholic, homosexual, necrophile! Not that there is anything wrong with being a homosexual, but since you're a guy I think you'd be better of with a male heterosexual necrophile mortician. For all you know he might think you're dead and do things to you. ;) See, you're not the only one with weird thoughts. I suppose we just feed off of each other's weirdness, eh? Might be worse if he was also a cannibal!

lol it's funny how people always group homosexual into things like that :p

"Oh it could be worse you/it could be a (insert bad thing here), homosexual, or (insert bad thing here)"

Just kidding though I don't care lol

That'd be pretty funny actually


lol I only wrote homosexual because a male heterosexual necrophiliac would probably not want to have sex with FOR REAL since he's not a woman. Come on now, I wasn't implying that necros are all homosexual. Maybe I could have said bi-sexual instead? Sorry if what I wrote offended you, Jake.

Oh I know I was just teasing. But why can't women be necrophiliacs? :p They could just like, shove his rotting flaccid penis into their vagina. lol. Or use some kind of embalming method to make it artificially erect with permanent rigor mortis for the ultimate ride :)


Well-known member
I don't care what happens to my body after I die. I would like to have my organs donated to people who need them, but other than that, I don't care about being embalmed, etc. But I would prefer cremation over having my body stuck in the ground to slowly rot. The problem with that is, I'd like to have a headstone in the cemetery with my name, date of birth & death, etc. on it & I doubt they'll allow me to have a headstone & just bury my ashes, even though that's what I want.
I don't care what happens to my body after I die. I would like to have my organs donated to people who need them, but other than that, I don't care about being embalmed, etc. But I would prefer cremation over having my body stuck in the ground to slowly rot. The problem with that is, I'd like to have a headstone in the cemetery with my name, date of birth & death, etc. on it & I doubt they'll allow me to have a headstone & just bury my ashes, even though that's what I want.

Do you live in England?
I don't know what the rule is in other countries but here in England in the cemetery they have a small section for people who want to have small headstones for people who have been cremated.


Well-known member
I don't care what happens to my body after I die. I would like to have my organs donated to people who need them, but other than that, I don't care about being embalmed, etc. But I would prefer cremation over having my body stuck in the ground to slowly rot. The problem with that is, I'd like to have a headstone in the cemetery with my name, date of birth & death, etc. on it & I doubt they'll allow me to have a headstone & just bury my ashes, even though that's what I want.

Yes you can have a headstone and bury your ashes... I know, because that is what we did with my father. He was buried in a Catholic cemetery and had a Catholic funeral even though we are not Catholic or even a part of that church... They just want your ashes to be in a urn is all...
I know this is very random but i wouldn't donate my organs, someone once told me they believe when you give away your organs that in the next life (if there is one) you will have health problems with the organs you gave away.. I know it sounds silly but ever since i heard that i have decided not too.
I'm living in hell in this life, i want to try avoid the same being in the next lol.


Well-known member
I know this is very random but i wouldn't donate my organs, someone once told me they believe when you give away your organs that in the next life (if there is one) you will have health problems with the organs you gave away.. I know it sounds silly but ever since i heard that i have decided not too.
I'm living in hell in this life, i want to try avoid the same being in the next lol.

hmm im an organ donator , the way i see it is the worms will eat you in your coffin , or you get cremated , isnt it better to save a life , some poor person in hospital praying an organ donator like me will save there lives , they might have kids a family , just my view ......


Well-known member
Yes you can have a headstone and bury your ashes... I know, because that is what we did with my father. He was buried in a Catholic cemetery and had a Catholic funeral even though we are not Catholic or even a part of that church... They just want your ashes to be in a urn is all...

That would be fine as long as they would let the urn be buried lol & I don't think they would. I want my ashes to be buried. Plus, I'm sure my family would put my remains where everyone else in the family's is & it's not a Catholic place, so things might be different there.


Well-known member
Do you live in England?
I don't know what the rule is in other countries but here in England in the cemetery they have a small section for people who want to have small headstones for people who have been cremated.

I live in Ohio in the US lol, & if there was a place that would let me do that, I don't think they would let me bury the ashes (or have them buried... since I'll be dead lol ::p:)