Favorite Video Games


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I don't play video games much anymore, but back in the day I really enjoyed one-player adventure/horror games such as Silent Hill, and before that games like Wolfenstein when I was a kid. Thought I'd talk about a different game, though, that has really been on my mind recently.

Don't know if any guys here have played the PC game "Crescendo". It's a visual novel that came out back in 2003. Although this game is considered a "hentai" game and does contain a few adult scenes, it is nowhere near being in the same league as other hentai games. The few adult scenes in this game are done in an honest and genuine way (if it can be described this way) that advance and add to the emotional impact of the story lines, and are not superficial or hollow as in other hentai games. The main focus for me were the great story paths and the bonds/communication between the characters.

I don't like Japanese anime really and am not into hentai games, but this game really got to me on a deep level and it was stuck in my head for weeks. Been 2 months since I finished it and still think about it. I guess this visual novel really hit me as I know a relationship with a girl (something more than just being with a girl for a night or the weekend) will never be for me, in which the root cause is probably due at least somewhat to my SA (in addition to other factors). I guess Crescendo showed me / reminded me of what could've been had I been dealt different cards in this existence, which caused me to feel really heavy and melancholy. Then again, I do really enjoy being a loner and find it difficult to imagine being any other way, so I guess there's two sides to the coin.

Anyway, Crescendo has a great story (multiple paths) that are subtitled really well in English, a nostalgic ragtime soundtrack (I always like the warmth that a piano can give), and is just all around beautiful. It is highly recommended and is considered one of the best visual novels. I guess another reason I liked Crescendo so much is that I was able to easily identify with the main character (Ryo) through which the different story paths are presented - he was basically a loner like myself. Also, two of the female characters had SA. A quick review (without spoilers) can be read here:
Crescendo Review for PC: A game that touches on every possible human emotion - GameFAQs

This game / visual novel is available on Amazon.com through independent sellers for only $20 or can be downloaded online (like most other stuff) - just search for it on Google. Crescendo is one of my all-time favorites and is well worth the experience. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :)

There is another visual novel for the PC that I hear is extremely good and would like to check out at some point in the future: "Ever 17: Out of Infinity". Maybe one day down the line.
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It's been a good while since I sold my PS2 and haven't had anything since, but seeing the trailers for the upcoming "Dante's Inferno" game has got me thinking about getting an X360.

Reiji Moritsugu

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Super Robot Taisen
Devil Survivor
Front Mission
Mana Khemia 1 & 2
Ar Tonelico 1 & 2
Atelier Iris III
Parasite Eve
Tales of Phantasia

I could go on and on, but by now you have probably guessed what kind of games I like the most xD.

See you around :)


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World of Warcraft, on and off. I go through phases where I'm glued to it and others where I couldn't fire it up if you paid me.