



Well-known member
...If it wasnt for this "fantasy", i would have lost my mind, went insane and would have possibly been locked up in a mental institute a long time ago..But fortunately, my imaginations have given my dead life some excitement...
and still does...
sad ya....=x


Well-known member
I think it psychologically ****s with "normal people" also, because sitcoms, like commercials are just big demonstrations on how to live your life. You can see this in any commercial, ya know? I saw this commercial for Unilock stone fireplaces the other day. Those outdoor fireplaces. It was littered with phrases like, "You'll be the talk of the neighborhood," and "Your family and friends will envy you." i.e. "If you buy this, and you will be cool. You're not cool without it. You need this." And of course it shows a good-looking guy dressed in preppy abercrombie-type clothes (beige shorts, sandals, short-sleeved plaid button-on shirt with collar popped) making food for his friends in front of his fireplace. And the viewers (or "marks") are at home watching it and think, "That could be me!"

I really detest adverts, just the smugness and self-satisfaction with which they tell us that we're too ugly/uncool/unsuccessful and need their product desperately in order to fix our lives. They resort to such dirty psychological tricks in order to make us feel inadequate and needy that it makes me want to scream when I see it being pumped like sewage into our collective consciousness day after day. My boyfriend's son is a bright kid and it gets me down to hear him parroting slogans he hears on the TV and telling us earnestly that Cadbury's chocolate is the best chocolate in the world... ::(:


Ah,fantasy... where all the things and people I love are brought to life. I much prefer to live out my fantasies through music than television because television tends to exacerbate my depression and anxiety(too many happy people/hypocrisy). In my fantasy, i have trustworthy friends, handsome lovers, and wild sex; I travel to dark Gothic castles, lush forests. I am a perfect and beautiful siren with bright emerald eyes living in the sea. Alas, when I am plummeted back to reality, i then realize that all those fantasies that were so sweet were just fantasies, and force to face reality, it bursts the bubble of happiness. It's like someone hit me on my head with a hammer because it does hurt; reality is blah. Nothing exciting or mind-blowing ever happens.


Well-known member
In my fantasy, i have trustworthy friends, handsome lovers, and wild sex; I travel to dark Gothic castles, lush forests. I am a perfect and beautiful siren with bright emerald eyes living in the sea.

Sounds amazing! I have similar fantasies to yours... when I was a little girl I always dreamed of being a mermaid and swimming through beautiful sunken ruins with beams of sunlight filtering down and little fish flitting around my fingers. Now, I dream of living in an abandoned castle, surrounded by dark forest and hills, or of being able to fly and glide through the cloudy skies, far from the noise and haste below :)


Well-known member
i usually have lots of daydreaming occuring on the bus and even at my desk while im doing work, most of them are about a post apocalyptic future though

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Well...if it hadn´t been for fantasy, probably I wouldn´t even be posting here now. I would have gone insane, killed myself, someone else, a combination of the three...I have been inmersed in fantasy worlds since I was a child and still am nowadays [22 yrs old] since, well, the reasoning behind this is as simple as it is twisted.

Why would I want to care about a world where I am just another loser, who´s always been a really under average person? here I have no friends, almost nothing to do with life, no trust whatsoever in people...when it is possible to have friends who never abandon you, the skills to do anything you want and the possibility to acquire those you weren´t "born" with...the "I can´t sing/draw/drive a car/interact with others/etc" phrases all go to hell in videogames, which has always been my preferred way of escaping reality...there I can recreate my fantasies of taking revenge on everyone who made my life a living hell, be someone people can depend and trust on, and most important actually having a goal to live for. This lead to me playing for 8 [and a couple times even more] hours straight and getting inmersed into MMORPGS.

However, as painful as it is I am slowly trying to accept the fact that I am stuck in reality, however pathetic it I´ve started to cut down the time I spend playing videogames to 1 - 2 hours at most, and that´s when I play because there are days when I just don´t get close to any console. I still haven´t been able to cut down the time I spend watching anime [my other way of escapism] so there are still quite a few
issues that must be fixed.

But as it was said earlier, reality is quite least mine, since nothing interesting seems to happen ever. It´s hard not to prefer something that is actually interesting, even if it´s not what everyone perceives as "real"

See you around :)
yeah I definitely can relate to everybody's experience on here.

I still remember that I daydreamed a lot even in kindergarten...

I made up my own apocalyptic story once...

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of a dream and I'd try to fall asleep again so that the dream could continue.. it's kind of sad..