Fake Friends


Well-known member
Well, I have a swimming pool, so I had "friends" take advantage of me for that when I was a kid. They'd always want to come over to my house during the summer instead of having me over at their houses. Same thing happened to my brother. His friends would come over and just happen to be in their swim trunks.:rolleyes:

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
Yeah... they'd often use me either for money,
gossip, etc. They just pretended to be friends.
Some of 'em were just plain abusive! :p


Well-known member
Fake friends are the pits, in my younger days I always seemed to be surrounded by a lot of these, it was only when I began to realize that most of them were there for what they could get out of me, instead of friendship that I turned the brakes on and amazingly most of them disappeared.

Those that remained were true friends and are still around today. Always be sure to know the difference between a friend and an acquaintance, it makes life a lot easier and manageable.


Well-known member
True that^

I don't think I've ever had any fake friends.... Then again I haven't had that many friends :D. I do have 2 friends though... and they are still good friends of mine, even though I see them a couple times a year... there was a good stretch there that I didn't see them for like 2-3 years.

Like dave said, true friends stick around, no matter what :)


Well-known member
Hrm. I can think of one girl in my final year of high school that I hung out with only because we shared the same friends. We didn't hang out one on one though I never really dwelled on it. She was quite friendly to me though. Eventually, stories of her saying awful (made up) things about me started to surface. She'd put me down when I wasn't around and generally was not a very good person. That particular situation boiled down to jealousy. She needed to be "alpha" in the group and I was giving her a run for her money without meaning to. Some girls just don't like that! Anyway it all ended when I stopped inviting her to events. It was good timing as we had just graduated and she was moving back home to England.
Really often, actually. I'm always going through phases of being friends with this one girl because she tends to treat me badly but then acts super loyal all in the same day. I'm finally coming to a point where I realize that she's just manipulating me and doesn't have any real friends herself and so I'm trying my best to limit contact with her.
When I was 15, I was walking to morning class with my closest 'friend.' I said, "Last night I was at Sick Kids Hospital bc I don't want to live anymore. She said, "can I still talk to you about my problems." It's kinda funny.


Well-known member
Yes, I've had many...I had there backs for any trouble they got into (problems or fights) but when I was in trouble, nobody came to my side. Not 1 soul. I never forgot that and that's when I realized how alone I was and I never helped them again.

My best friend hurt the most, we grew up together did everything together but his shadiness came through when we got to middle school over a girl that I was really close with and I told him about her and I told him I was going to ask her out that day and during lunch I saw him talking to her and he walked away after a minute and I went to talk to him and said "what's goin on?" He said nothin...then he walked over to another dude I didn't get along with and he said "I just asked her out and she said yes".....He hada look of regret on his face but the damage was done. I forgave him and moved on and helped him many times after me & him talked before he moved to Texas cause he got in trouble, we said we'd be brothers for life....He came back and gave no calls, no nothing. Needless to say, we haven't hung out in years, when I see him he acts shady and all my other past friends say he's like that to everyone now but I guess it is what it is....


Well-known member
When i was in primary school whenever it was my birthday i would have all the boys from my class to the house for my party. Once i'd had a pack of toy Police vehicles as a gift and after my 'friends' had left i found that a one or two of the toys had gone. It seems that someone was not truly my friend.

On another occassion a 'friend' who is three years older than me asked me to show my fishing gear so i got out my box, after he'd gone i dicovered that a few items like fishing weights and hooks had gone.

On another occassion i was invited over to a 'freinds' house and on arriving i saw that he had an older boy with him who was one of the school bullies/bad boys. They both started verbally attacking me for no reason so i walked on home. When i was about 20 yards away the older boy shot me in the head with a black widow slingshot. I walked home crying not from the pain alone but from the hurt of being betrayed by this friend.

It seems that a lot of people have hidden agendas.
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Long story short, I cried in front of a few people I was closer to than other classmates. They sort of just stood there and acted like they didn't see it/didn't say or do anything. (Granted, they aren't the type who are accustomed to/know how to handle emotional displays, but still...)

Thankfully two of my real friends were there. I'm actually sort of thankful for what happened, because now I know who'd be there for me when I need it. :)
Yeah, this has happened a number of times to me. What I have found is that those fake friends will only be friendly with you for what you can do for them may it be money or whatever else.


Well-known member
What I do notice is that when you got money, or enough of it, everybody wants to be your friend. If your broke, nobody will answer your calls.