Failure to communicate


Super Moderator
I'm frustrated again at my lack of ability to word things right, to be able to handle conversations. It seems that, no matter what say, people will misunderstand me in a negative manner. I probably say something as a joke, word it in an awkward way or in caps, then BAM, assumptions that I called them dumb, that I want them gone, that I'm acting bratty...

Then guilt. Because I didn't mean what I said, but the other person doesn't get it, they don't listen to me, they persist. Then bashing myself internally over and over, over what I should have said and how.

I feel like I'm about to go insane sometimes, because I don't know if the failure is in me or in others. But really, can others be in the wrong all the time? I doubt it.


Well-known member
Ah, it sounds a lot like myself. I seriously envy people who have no trouble with carrying on a conversation. Talking is hard, especially if you're not really interested in what the other person is talking about or you simply don't feel like the answer is needed.


Well-known member
Communication is hard! I experience severe word salad, train of thought breaking off before I could finish my sentences, short term memory, not to mention eye contact making it harder for me to concentrate on what people are saying, etc.

I am guilty of misinterpreting people at times. When people put words in CAPs for instance, it looks like they're yelling at me but that might not be their intentions.

I don't think you're in the wrong all the time. Misunderstandings are bound to happen especially for novices like you and me, but with practice I'm sure we'll get better!