Expecting to be treated badly


Well-known member
So basically it's like I expect to be rejected, stabbed in the back, abandoned, and just generally treated like crap by people. Constantly waiting for the sting after the smile, insult after the compliment. I guess I've become so used to not being truly liked or valued that I've taught myself to expect bad treatment. Quite a few people have led me to believe they liked me and would be there for me only to be unkind towards me and turn their backs on me in the end. I feel like it's only a matter of time before I'm hated and it blows my mind when it seems people genuinely like me and have an interest in being involved with me for a long period of time. I think to myself "how are you not sick and tired of me already? How is it that you don't totally abhor me yet? What in the world...?" I dunno, just felt like I needed to type that out. I got emotional wounds, man. If anyone can relate to feeling this way, feel free to share.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah don't know if this'll be any comfort to ya, but, ah feel that way as well.

And sorry ye feel that way, by the way. You deserve better.

Ah know it's difficult to truly trust people if you've been hurt or treated badly by them in the past. Ah guess I've just come to expect to be treated badly because that's how I've been treated most of my life.

Insult after the compliment? I got the reverse of that from my family in my mid-teens, and it doesnae half mess ye up mentally and from a self-esteem standpoint. Snide comments, insults about my appearance.

I've even come to expect people to take an instant dislike to me upon meeting me. Also, when people compliment me I meekly thank them for it, but in my head there's a wee voice going: "Pfft... Aye, right!"


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I'm the exact same way, it's the bane of my existence and the reason why I don't go near anyone, in any sense of the word.

I don't know why other people's opinions matter so much to me, or why being "rejected" hurts sooooooooooooo damn bad, (especially when most people aren't worth a stinkie anyway) but there you have it.

If I could get over that one hurdle in particular, I honestly feel the rest of my condition would tumble like dominoes.

Mmmm.... domino's.


Well-known member
You need to treat yourself a little better. If you're confident and self-assured, it'll rub off on other people and they'll be more naturally compelled to give you a similar treatment. If they don't, others will be attracted to your attitude anyway. Some people will disappoint you, it's just how it is; others might not, and those are the ones worth sticking by.


Well-known member
So basically it's like I expect to be rejected, stabbed in the back, abandoned, and just generally treated like crap by people. Constantly waiting for the sting after the smile, insult after the compliment. I guess I've become so used to not being truly liked or valued that I've taught myself to expect bad treatment. Quite a few people have led me to believe they liked me and would be there for me only to be unkind towards me and turn their backs on me in the end. I feel like it's only a matter of time before I'm hated and it blows my mind when it seems people genuinely like me and have an interest in being involved with me for a long period of time. I think to myself "how are you not sick and tired of me already? How is it that you don't totally abhor me yet? What in the world...?" I dunno, just felt like I needed to type that out. I got emotional wounds, man. If anyone can relate to feeling this way, feel free to share.

in this case i like to spent time to improve myself. do you know how you become if you spent every time that you are treated badly simply improving yourself?


Well-known member
I feel the same way too sometimes. I think with time it's easier to figure out what type of ppl would do that. It just takes time I guess...