Exercising to relieve stress - advise?


Lately, I've been the most stressed that I've ever been, due to forcing myself in situations I've been ignoring a long time all in a short amount of space. It has taken its toll on me greatly as I just feel alot of stress on my body all day.

I've started bike riding which is awesome, so I'll keep doing that, but I want to give jogging a start. Any advise? Will plain joggers be fine? I'd like to count my distance too but no idea where to get one. Can you get these watches anywhere?



I'm not an expert but I know that you definitely should get good shoes. Not cheapest ones from the shop. Or else you will get leg pains and that's not exactly enjoyable lol.

I recommend doing some stretching/meditation/yoga, something like that, just take time (hour or even two) and focus on breathing. Do this every once in a while in peaceful settings, it's very good for stress. Especially breathing techniques.


Well-known member
start with walking and do some jogging and walking intermittently... stretching/exercising is good too, yeah...

take interesting and good routes, and/or have music in your ears (ipod or such), not if there's possibly dangerous traffic though, then no music is better..

ideally, get mate/s to jog with, at least sometimes, and set up routine..
I liked to go jogging with a friend/cousin, we could discuss things and vent and brainstorm stuff AND exercise together..

about the shoes - there are differing thoughts on that, check some jogging/running forums.. some say too 'air-cushioned' sneakers can be bad and cause injuries and that some best athletes use very little or no protection - apparently some just use old tires for soles protection and are very good runners? (Depends on your climate though..) Do some research...

What are 'plain joggers'?

About watches, they're not necessary to start with, you can measure distance via eg a bridge or some landmark and time/just a regular watch.. if you want, you can get fancier stuff too, personally never used it and don't know anyone in RL who did.. (and I used to hang out with two semi-pro athletes, it was a few years ago though) some people online seem to like'em though..
I think Garmin has some of these running watches, you can look up models online, order them too I guess, or check/ask in local stores or on local running forums.. personally I think the less stuff I have with me, the better...


Active member
I just want to say I'm glad your going to try jogging. I jogged for about a year and noticed a reduction in my anxiety. Now I'm strength training for different goals. I don't jog anymore for certain reasons. But if I could again I would. I loved it. Good luck!


Well-known member
If i didn't have jogging, i may not be here right now. Jogging is the only way I can come close to "normal" state. I mean the feeling after jogging. I read about it before, it does something with the endorphins and serotonin in your brain that clears your mind from some of depression. Some people say they don't feel different after running, maybe cuz they run less than a mile super slo mo, who knows.