I had one of the most horrible nightmares today. I can´t even describe the evil and dread in the dream. And I don´t remember exactly what it was about, only that I was running from one place to the next, from one person to the next, only the place or the person turning out to be evil too. For example, at school there was one girl very polite and had best grades. Now when she turned up in the dream after a while she changed into a monster, torturing me (can´t remember exactly how, but it was awfull), I ended up laughing hystericaly until I felt I wasn´t human anymore. Then at one point I run to one place behind our house thinking I would finally find peace there. As I came beyond the hill, on the well there were sitting 2 men, portioning a black dog. I could clearly see it, the whole dream appeared so real. I was shocked but told them calmly something like what mess they were doing there, and then disappeared as quickly as possible. Then at some point I was on a sinking ship, water was quickly pouring over it. But I didn´t drown, some man was pushing me and we swimmed towards the shore. The water was illuminated by the moon. The dream went on, I can´t really remember much now. In the end I was outside but in the dark, bitten and tortured by something. I felt there was no escape to anything, because no matter what I did, it turned out wrong. When I woke up, I was alleviated it was just dream and realized, it was full moon. Before I went to sleep, it was shining to the window. Now as I was lying in bed and thinking about my dream, I realized I hear my father calling our dog. It seemed somehow normal to me until I realized, it was sometime past midnight. My father hates getting up even early in the morning, not to mention he would ever be so "crazy" to wake up at night and go out. Who was that then? Or did I hear wrong? I got up and went to the window. The big moon was now setting behind horizon. Under the window I heard a hedhehog (he is sometimes coming there at night). I was still shaking from dread from that dream and thought I would at least distract myself by looking at the hedgehog. I wanted to switch on the light but as I pressed the switch, the bulb blew out and fell on the table. I run nextdoor calling at my mother what is it happening today. She just woke up from sleep and didn´t understand anything. My father was just coming and told me off for being noisy, it was 3.30 and he really went out to call our dogs because he heard them barking by the neighbours.
Anyway, dreams like this happen often to me by full moon. As I wake up from them, I wonder if I am cursed and controlled by some evil force even in real life. Where do I escape? Death, but what comes after the death??! What if after death there will be only this bad dream, with nowhere to wake up? But I soon forget the dreams, although they seemed very real and vivid at the time. I guess I have pretty lot of amnesia, and all these memories are still stored in my subconscious. I know they are there, I just can´t remember them. They can be brought up by hypnosis, but nobody managed yet to hypnotise me. I had one big chance, one man wanted to work with me as a trial subject because he thought I was non-magnetic (body magnetism, some peole are born magnetic and some non-magnetic, the magnetism works on the body like cover, nourishment, protection. And for example, if there is lightning and there are 2 people together, one magnetic and other non-magnetic, only the non-magnetic gets killed. Each living body - including humans - needs and craves magnetism. The non-magnetic people can get it from people who have lot of it, or eating raw food, deep breathing, cold showers etc., but their body can never hold it long). The non-magnetic people are said to be best hypnotizable, they are also very sensitive. He thought I was so because I felt the moon energy and other things. I wanted to visit him but he was often abroad. Now I tried to call him again after exactly one year but was told he died in a car accident. The woman I spoke to, she said she worked for him as hypnotic medium for about 20 years and she was able to get into the deepest trance, not remembering anything.
There is one more strange thing that happened to me recently. In the evening, there was a storm outside and strong wind. When I went to sleep later, it was nearly over and calm again. I slept with my window wide open. When I woke up in the morning and pulled the cover, the bed was full of leaves and junk from trees, even small pieces of branches. You would think, it was somehow blown onto the bed during the storm. But the thing is, the bed is very far from the window (on the other side of the room), behind a table + my cover is quite heavy. I didn´t even have it on the window or in the garden. Even if I did, it couldn´t catch so much junk, besides when I went to bed in the evening, I didn´t notice any leaves in it. And, if it was really blown into the room by storm, it would be under the window and scattered over the whole room, but there was nothing, not even a smallest leaf. In the extreme case, let´s say I went sleepwalking at night and rolled myself in the garden, the leaves got attached on my clothes. In this case, I would have left some trace along the way which I didn´t. Plus, how did the tiny branches get into bed? The only possible explanation is, my mother or father strew it into my bed on purpose which would be quite insane

. Or cat brought it there? I am pretty sure there was no cat let alone in my bed and how would she bring the leaves..