ever had a problem with jealousy?

I'm in a relationship with someone that is very good at socializing. She can make friends with just about Anybody. Any sex any age group any background. She is excellent at talking To others. She can just blab on all day (I don't mean that in a mean way but once you get her started..). She is the person that people call for advice.

At the moment she hung up the phone with me to speak to a male co worker on the phone whom she chums around with regularly. She maintains a semi discreet friendship with an ex.

Now I'm not asking if I should be suspicious. Albeit i do have some insecurity issues that i am working on. But I trust that our relationship is a sound one.

I just don't like how jealous I get at her social skills and ability to make friends so easy. I get jealous of her Facebook notifications for Crying out loud!

Is it normal to be envious of a social butterfly that you have a close relationship with? Or anybody.. really. We all have different personalities I suppose but this is really getting to me.


Well-known member
It's normal to feel jealous or envious of other people sometimes. You can't let it get to you. And facebook probably doesn't help much with those feelings.


Well-known member
I struggle with jealousy. I try and control it better now though.

When I was younger I hated anyone who had a happy family, mine was so shitty that when I saw happy loving families it just got to me.


Well-known member
That's something I'm always jealous of. These charismatic types that people are just drawn to... just so isn't me lol.
For instance at work, when a new person starts and manages to acquire more friends than you ever did in all the years you've been there lol.

This is something that's very shameful and petty; but I tend to hate beautiful girls :/ I know it's awful, such a childish trait in me, but I utterly despise them for their beauty.


Well-known member
I dated someone who I was very jealous of whenever she went out or anything social. She actually had social problems like me though (or she claimed) which added a whole other aspect to it. Not only was I jealous of her for having a social life at times that I lacked, but I felt bitter about her successes and that she was lying to a degree about who she was. I don't know what I expected of course, like for her to sit around all day and never do anything so we were equals or something.

I think the best way to combat jealousy like this is to focus on improving yourself rather than on where you fall short in comparison to your significant other. If you can get to a place where you feel content with yourself, jealousy will take a backseat. It's funny that my current girlfriend is quite a bit more social than me, has a good amount of friends and is able to, you know, interact with people and now it doesn't bother me at all. I think it's because i keep myself busier now, and just don't worry as much in general about what my social ability says about me. Or maybe having more experience now has me more laid back about it all.