Easily Influenced

I'm realizing that I have to be very careful who I choose to associate with, because I am very easily influenced and affected by the attitudes and behaviors of other people.

I feel weak willed. I don't understand why I'm not able to stand my ground in different situations.

Do any of you find yourself easily influenced or affected by your environment?

Is this part of Asperger's?


Well-known member
I'm very much influenced by the people I'm with and the environment I'm in.

I have been in many situations where I wasn't comfortable being myself, and that can be extremely stressful and cause a lot of anxiety.

Just working and associating with people you're comfortable with can go a long way to reducing anxiety and allowing you to feel good about yourself.

Think about it.

Recovering alcoholics would have a hard time getting better if they continued to hang out with their friends at the bar all the time.


Well-known member
I used to be very easily influenced by others, especially my family. I think it was low self-esteem. Now I can stand on my own two feet much better.
Is this where someone points their finger and says its done this way but you know its done the other way but say nothing? They're right, they've been doing it longer?

If so, then, yeah, I've been there. Better now. Ignore them, they go away, I do it my way.


Well-known member
Maybe you just have a lot of empathy?
(Read about empathy shielding, sometimes indeed it's just good to walk away, go for a walk, read a book.. immerse yourself into something else..)
Low self-esteem can be part of it too, or not trusting yourself.. not knowing what is the right way to go, we may rely on others more..

I think it's wise to choose who you hang out with, yeah..
(I can be easily influenced by TV and such too, or a novel or something, it may take a while to 'disentangle' from that..)

You wrote I'm not able to stand my ground in different situations - read about assertiveness, there are some good books and websites out there..

I've wondered if I might have some Asperger's before too, not sure-?? There's a guy I know online who has Asperger's and he says he's easily overwhelmed and can feel even too much empathy too.. Not sure.. Officially, Asperger's is supposed to not have too much empathy/connection with others, but these kids can be persuaded to do silly things (?) I'm also not sure how accurate and helpful labels are, we are just people, everyone is unique and trying to do best in a situation..


Active member
I think being easily influenced is just a product of low self-trust, low self-relience, low self-esteem... Heck, I smile and laugh to people's jokes even though sometimes I haven't even heard what they've said! My behaviour is on autopilot and it sucks.


Well-known member
I think being easily influenced is just a product of low self-trust, low self-relience, low self-esteem... Heck, I smile and laugh to people's jokes even though sometimes I haven't even heard what they've said! My behaviour is on autopilot and it sucks.

Same here but I have this behavior dramatically reduced..