I also hate arrogant guys. Can't stand 'em. And that's not cos of my social phobia. They're so easy to see through and 2D and going out with them...they would just do my head in!
I def prefer nice guys. And so many girls prefer quiet guys. I'm not just saying this! It can be quite adorable. So don't go getting all cynical and hopeless.
Also, my turn to rant! One thing girls do get that guys don't is PERVY GUYS wolf-whistling and jeering. This is not exactly great with SP if you are walking along a street minding your own business and get jeered at by usually alot older guys. And then you get all shy and go red and this seems to make it even worse. I do not know how to respond! What do you want me to say!
Even worse than this, beeping horns. I mean, what is that all about?! What do you honestly expect to get out of that. I used to get the bus alot, and there's a real busy road and a bus stop on either side. People would always beep me, all the time, and this makes me very self-concious, especially when people are on the other bus stop, they always look round like i have provoked it. And it sets off my nerves, when all i am doing is waiting at a bus stop. And sometimes there's girls at the other bus stop and they don't get beeped, only me, why me?! I know i'm social phobic so prone to think stuff like this but i am sure, i always get beeped and jeered at wherever i go, and my friends don't, and it makes me very self-concious since obviously, as a social phobic, i hate attention being drawn to myself! And it sets off the you are weird/abnormal cycle in my head.
Rant over!