Dog Anxiety


Well-known member
I've come to the realization that I don't like dogs, and it makes me feel like a bad person. I find them to be extremely frustrating, and everything they do I find infuriating. I hate that they will sit when I tell them to sit, and if they don't sit then that's even worse. I hate the way they smell, and I hate the way they follow me around, constantly looking up to me for love and approval. I hate the way they unconditionally love anybody who will pet them or give them a treat. I hate that they mope when I get mad at them. I really, really hate it when they get excited. I think I have a pathological aversion to dogs. They bring out the very worst in me.

This wouldn't be a problem except that my fiance absolutely loves dogs. In fact, when it comes to personalities, he's a lot like a dog (gregarious, easy-going, loyal to a fault) and I'm much more like a cat (temperamental, selective, independent to a fault). We tried having a dog last winter, but it only lasted a few weeks before I cracked and we had to find a new home for her. Recently I began fostering a dog because I thought I liked her, but after a few days in my house I began to hate her. Every time I get up to do anything she jumps up and follows me. My cats could tear the house apart and I wouldn't care, but if she does one bad thing I feel like I'm stressed beyond my limits. She is a good dog, but that almost makes it worse for me. I have absolutely no reason to dislike her, but I really really do. It's strange and I don't understand it, which is the worst part for me.

I'm trying to learn to tolerate her, because I know my fiance loves her and has been wanting a dog very badly. It makes him happy, and that's a good thing. I'm also angry that I can't seem to make myself into a dog person, because I picture him being with someone who loves dogs. I know he would love me even if I told him how much I can't stand dogs and that I never want to have another one in my house. But part of me just desperately wants to be what I think he wants. Which is wrong, I know, and I'm ashamed to type it.

I'm not really looking for answers or advice really, I just wanted to get this off my chest and try to make some sense of it. If anyone else out there dislikes dogs that might make me feel better. :)

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
i can totally relate - i'm a cat person, too - i've never really understood dogs

I like both cats and dogs, but I'd have to say I'm really a dog person at heart. Cats are great and everything, but they really need to learn two things:

1. Water is not something to be afraid of. In fact, when it comes to keeping yourself clean it's actually preferable to covering yourself in your own spit.

2. Daytime = time to be awake and do stuff. Nighttime = sleep. They seem to got those two things kind of muddled somewhere.



Staff member
I don't dislike dogs, I just have this OCD thing about their drool and licking you.....eeerchh!!


Well-known member
I like both cats and dogs, but I'd have to say I'm really a dog person at heart. Cats are great and everything, but they really need to learn two things:

1. Water is not something to be afraid of. In fact, when it comes to keeping yourself clean it's actually preferable to covering yourself in your own spit.

2. Daytime = time to be awake and do stuff. Nighttime = sleep. They seem to got those two things kind of muddled somewhere.


lol. I can think of a few more things cats need to learn, but then that's the beauty of cats. They do whatever the heck they want. ::p:


Well-known member
I don't even like animals. I'm not scared of them or want them to get hurt or killed, but I never would want to have one or live in a house with one

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Cat person here too. I don't like dogs either! They scare me actually. Even tiny chihuahuas. Their barking really irritates me too (there is a dog or two barking in the neighborhood right now. Why can't they shut up? -_-)


Well-known member
I don't necessarily dislike dogs, but I do find it impossible to be able to relax around them.
My reason?
When I was 6, I witnessed a dog attack a girl my age and bite her face off.
I won't get any more visual than that, but I'll just say that I still have nightmares about dogs to this day.
She had 3 facial reconstruction surgeries and will never look the same.

I grew up with dogs. Lots of pets.
Lots of dogs and smaller creatures-- and have always preferred smaller creatures because I know they can't
a) push me over,
b) won't try to have sex with my leg and
c) can't easily kill me... or eat my face off.
Besides all of that, cats are low maintenance. You feed and water them, give them a bath once a year, clean their litterbox and that's it.
Whenever we had dogs, we would bring them swimming and they would wreak to high hell for DAYS even if we gave them a shampoo-- had to walk them 2 times a day, let them out whenever they feel like they want to pee or just wander around the yard while you stand in the doorway in your underwear, calling them back inside because you can't find them in the dark and let them out to PEE but they decided to mess with you instead-- and when you eat dinner, you constantly have to tell them; 'no. not for you.' as a line of drool hits the floor and gets all over everything... when it's raining outside and dog needs to use the fire-hydrant, then comes back in- muddy pawprints everywhere...and... what can I say?
Dogs really like to hump me.
I don't like it. They do. I really don't.
I prefer to hang with my cats, as they're fixed and just about as asexual and bored as I am. (and they have never attempted to kill me)