Does your family support you?


Active member
Does your family support you? When it's comes to SA and my career choice, they are really not supportive. I want to work with animals and they have tried so many times to get me to go for something else and I'm thinking it's my life, my choice. If I make a mistake and it goes bad, it's my mistake and I can learn from it.

Also, the other night we went to parents evening where we had to see all my teachers. Some other parents pushed in front of the queue and I want to deal with it assertively and friendly but my mother and sister became really vicious about it and said "Are you going to let people walk all over you the rest of your life"

They just don't understand what it is like and think I'm just being a cry baby. They've shown me a side to them, I really don't like... :(

What about your family? Oh and any comments would be appricated.


Well-known member
You are right that it's your life so do what you want to do and what will make YOU happy. Working with animals is a rewarding job. My cousin works with animals and absolutely loves it, shes been working there for 26 years and that she never regrets it. This isn't your family life, it's yours. If that is your passion, the best of luck to you.

When I joined the Air Force (no longer in it), my mom was really against it but my brother and dad were supportive.

Now I'm planning on going to college for radiology. My dad wants me to go for a teacher but again, he said it's my life so he supports my decision.

About you wanting to be friendly to the other parents, that's the way I would have handled it. Everyone handles situations in many ways. You don't let people walk over you, you just want to be nice about it. This world needs more people like you.


Active member
Thanks, I've never really considered any other career, I always been passionate about animals, I guess it because animals can't be nasty or rude to you like people. I did my work experience at a nature centre and it was a scary but exciting experience and they was always that fulfulling feeling at the end of the day.

This world definitely needs more people like us. Human nature is just getting more and more vicious. Oh and good luck with your radiology. :D


Well-known member
I guess I am really lucky to have such a supportive family though I do have a sister that can be less than supportive sometimes but she herself has a few issues that need to be worked out but is in denial about...But no one can be perfect and people are going to do things that we might not like...Even though she may act in a way that I don't like doesn't mean that she is a bad person and I still love her...I think that everyone has some issues...but anywho....

They are pretty good and try to understand, though no one can ever fully until they experience it for themselves...And are almost always thoughtful about they things I can and can't do and make allowances for that...

If working with animals is what your are passionate about then that is what you should do, we all need something to be passionate about and many people never find that thing so good on you for finding it...Stick to your guns and Good luck


Well-known member
My parents always were and are in denial, they thought I was shy but nothing was wrong with me because I was a little joker. My mum works in mental health too :roll:
I guess they know something is up but would rather not face it, they prefered to call me names about things I couldn't do, like finish college.

Well I never see them anymore so it doesn't matter.

But it would've been amazing to have a lot of support while I was with them.


Well-known member
My parents seem supportive, in a strange sort of uninterested way like.. "do whatever you need to do, but you're on your own." I guess it's a good thing. My siblings however seem to use whatever they can against me, like a strong jealousy is in place (im the youngest, probably got a little more toys as a child) so im afraid to explain to them my anxiety problem for fear they will try to use it against me.


Well-known member
The problem is my parents think I'm having the time of my life. And the only thing that genuinely matters to them is that I'm happy. If I give any indication of my SA & depression when I'm with them, I feel they'd be devastated. I have to pretend I'm incredibly happy every couple of weekends when I visit them. And then when I leave I'm back in depression.


Active member
My Parents know about it...but don't mention it or offer to help me...they care about me and all...and they've mentioned it about 2 times since they've known about it which was September 2006...but I've just ignored them and brushed it under the carpet beucase I can't talk about they have kinda tried I guess but don't wanna upset me I suppose.


Well-known member
my parents don't know about my sa or depression,they think i am just quiet.And i like to keep this way cause i'd hate to put more pressure on myself.My sister knows and she helps me alot.


Well-known member
My family knows, and most of them don't really care. My mom will sometimes sympathize and try to understand, which is better than totally not supporting me, but I don't think any of them will ever fully understand it.

As for my career choice, my family doesn't seem to mind my aspirations of becoming a professional photojournalist (and maybe more). As long as I end up financially stable and not barefoot and pregnant, they don't care.


Well-known member
i like to think my family support me but im not so sure. They have always supported me finacially, for instance when i went to uni but in my opinion money is easy to give. time and effort count for a lot more. I always get the impression my dad only raised me so i would grow up get a good job and leave home. He only ever talks to me about money and jobs and never shows any interest in my interests unless they concide with his, which is hardly ever. He is always saying how proud he is of my brother because he has a degree and he has never been proud of me for following my interests because my beliefs conflict with his. My personal happiness to him is not as important as his pride.

My mum on the other hand has always supported me but will often side with my dad because she is too scared to stand up to him. My brother has been my best mate for years and we get along great but the other day he said something that made me look at him like he was a different person.

When i said I didnt want a promotion at my job he got really angry and said I frustrate him because I dont achieve anything. I enjoy the work im doing so why would I sacrfice all that just for a bit more money and social status and he said "so you can be a person that matters".

Sometimes i think the only person that really cares Is my dog who gives me nothing but unquestioning loyalty all of the time. but hes getting old now and without him i dont know where I stand.


Well-known member
In general my family are great. They care, and want to help... but on the other hand my parents do hold me back in certain ways. My Dad completely refuses to accept that I have "social phobia," and insists that I'm just shy - not very helpful. My Mum sort of understands my problems, but she treats me like a child too much and won't let me become independant. She also gives me NO privacy, and at 22 years of age that is really frustrating. But they're both pretty laid back and don't push me into things I don't want to do.

In all fairness my uncle is the one who has helped me most, by a long shot. He's a doctor (GP) and has pulled a lot of strings to get me the best help available, as well as talking to me when I've needed help/guidance. He's also put me on certain general anxiety meds that have been life savers during my most difficult challenges.


Well-known member
My mom and sister are wonderful. They have been so supportive of me throughout everything and my sister also suffers from SA. She doesn't have it as severely as I do, but she can easily relate and understand me and has always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to. My dad is the complete opposite. He has made me feel guilt-ridden and makes me feel like it's my fault that I have SA. He thinks I should be able to just force myself out there and talk to people. I don't think he realizes just how real and debilitating this disorder is or how many people it affects. He has never taken the time to even research it or try to understand it. He doesn't communicate with me either. He never took an interest in my life growing up and has always been a very negative person. I think this caused me to withdraw even more and probably has a lot to do with why I'm so anxious around men and distrusting. My relationship with my father was not really the norm. Most dads are interested in what's going on in their children's lives and are happy to spend time with them and know them. I don't really know my father and he doesn't know me. I don't think he wants to. Thankfully, my mom has made up for the love I didn't feel from him. She's like an angel to me and one of the sweetest people I know.


Trying to convince me that SA isn't a real thing.. and that I'm just really 'shy'. I don't know. It makes me question it myself. Only, I know what I have shouldn't just qualify for shyness. Maybe if I was out meeting new kids when I was younger then locking myself in my room and reading! Don't know.


Active member
my mom suffered and still deals with a lot of the same issues i have now. she's very supportive of me and always listens to me when i need her. i am very lucky...


Well-known member
My mom did support me but she doesn't understand, as the rest of the people related to me. Some people just told me to get over it but as if it's that simple. *Sigh*