Does melatonine really work?


Well-known member
Does melatonin really work?

Unlike in the US, here in the Netherlands you need a prescription to get melatonine. Does it really work? I have terrible insomnia. I really hope I get some replies as this is of utmost importance to me. Thanks in advance.
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Didn't work for me. I experimented with doses from 1mgram to 6 mgs over a couple of months, cycling on and off melatonin. No joy, just felt groggy some mornings.

Some people have had some success with melatonin, but it's certainly not worth a prescription. Cup of hot chocolate is certainly more effective :eek:
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Well-known member
If im honest, i find relaxing or sleep therapy oils help me to sleep better than sleeping pills.
oh and clean rooms, stops from cluttered dreams so you dont wake up through the night :)


Active member
my friend brought me some back from the US and you dont need a prescription there like you do here in the great for me


What is Insomnia?? I never heard of it.. and i'm from the netherlands too :p
Sometimes my english sucks lol :p
And It works for me.. I can sleep much better :)


Melatonin is a naturally occuring hormone that is secreted from the pineal gland in the brain at night time. The theory is that if you take it in a pill form it will reset your brain to the daytime/nighttime ideal rotation.

I took it for a long time and it didnt do anything. Im on too many heavier meds to be focusing on a sensitive body clock resetting ... thing.

ALTHOUGH my father religiously takes it and it has helped him a lot. He also has very strict rules about his sleep. No eating after 6PM, no glueten or MSG, and he takes fish oil to boot. He goes to bed at 8 and wakes up at 5 O_O

I say, try it out. If you dont notice a difference in a month then dont keep taking it. Most 'herbal supplements' and the like wont harm you in the short term. especially one that has been around as long as this one has.


What is Insomnia?? I never heard of it.. and i'm from the netherlands too :p
Sometimes my english sucks lol :p
And It works for me.. I can sleep much better :)

Insomnia is the medical term for a disorder in which you have the inability to sleep properly.


Staff member
I found it better to cut things out rather than take new drugs for insomnia.

I cut out all caffiene, coffee, tea, coke and chocolate.

sleep much better now :)


Well-known member
I tried melatonin for a while, but I don't really know if it ever worked. I also took it with this "tension tamer" tea thing that got be pretty I know the tea worked at least, and it was a lot cheaper. ;-)


Well-known member
My friend who has written a few articles for my website and is also almost finished with pharmacy school has written an article on melatonin and you can check it out here:

The Anxiety Support Network - Melatonin: An Overview

My own 2 cents is that medication/natural supplements or whatever all work differently in different people. I did not have a good experience with melatonin, but you might. All you can do is use it in a responsible fashion and see what happens.