“There has to be enormous intelligence behind the creation and all universe. Even if there was evolution, it doesn't exclude the fact that there is this intelligence. What is this intelligence, is it God? Too big a question for me...”
Why does everything have to have a creator? I’m wondering if you’re trying to understand the universe in terms of how something intelligent would perceive it. A painting has a painter – but we already know that. If I took a picture of the moon, did I create the moon? It would look nice hanging on any wall, so perfect, but the moon was created out of randomness. If you know the question is far too big to answer, then your attempt at explaining what’s outside the universe is lacking. Why not just take an interest in the observable universe, instead of bogging it down with unsupportable evidence. Scientists look to the universe itself to understand how it was created. If they find something pointing to a creator, then you’re quite right to be on here claiming evidence of a god.
“I didn't say that the world was created right in the appearance it has today if that's what you mean. There probably was evolution as there is evolution now, in everything and in every one's lives. But who created the evolution, or how was the evolution set in motion? It seems to be a very intelligent program. I don't understand how someone can believe this process to be totally random and coincidental.”
What created the evolution? Who created the thing that created the evolution? Evolution is a system amongst many more systems in the universe, and it’s not perfect. A googol is a very large number; ten to the one hundred I think. To write a googol would require more space than the universe could hold. Let’s say the number 10000 is life right here on Earth and 12304 is another kind of life form somewhere else in the universe. Our evolution program might be more specific to earth, and another program might be specific to another type of life. Evolution might fail more than it succeeds – but with a huge number like a googol, it’s likely to happen somewhere in the universe, and be different all the time.
“Just a thought: I think many people talk and argue about "God", but they don't have an idea what it is. Or everybody thinks something else. Usually people think of God as some superhuman being up on the cloud who is supposed to fulfill every our egoistical wish. But I would rather think the opposite. We are here in this human form in order to grow out of our egoism, throw it away and become independent of our ego - that means our addictions, greed, everything that is centered on ourselves. Which is almost our whole being and lives.. We attempt to do exactly this, to satisfy our egos. We should learn to not to cling on to what we like, forgive, give things away instead of hoarding it for ourselves etc. I know myself it's very hard to turn life around like this, but I still believe this it the answer. By practicing this, we will gradually come close to understanding what "God" is... It's like.. we can't eat the cake and have it at the same time, one of it must go.. we can't see clearly or understand what God is if we are still "full of ego", we are unable to see the truth in this state. Only by throwing this away, growing out of this by practice, stop seing ourselves and our lives as the centre of universe (after all we are not, our bodies are desperately shortlived, subject to pain and decay so if we hang on it too much we will never be trully and lastingly happy), our mind will become emptier and clearer to receive the proper understanding. Now you can argue with what I said but it will have no sense untill you purify your soul, otherwise it's just a talking which leads nowhere, haha.”
You seem to have a fairly good idea as to what god did, without having an idea as to what god is. I’m quite happy to learn about the universe, to find out what’s going on inside it. Outside the universe is just the wild west of the imagination.