Does food make you happy?


Well-known member
For me, tasty food is an outlet. It makes me happy, yet I know that consecutively it's poisoning my body (I'm 230 lbs now =\). I hate it...

Ever since I was bullied at a younger age I've turned to food.

Don't get me wrong, I don't go on binge fests, but whenever my mood is sour, I just eat something I truly enjoy and it serves as a temporary remedy for my anxieties.

Some people smoke to relieve their anxieties...I eat my favorite foods.

Do you guys do anything similar?
I don't really binge much or to the point that it ever is a problem. But I've plenty of comfort foods. I'm a fairly easy to satisfy guy in terms of food. So any kind of food that is average or above average or even just decent will cheer me up.

There's only once that a fish and chips didn't cheer me up and that was when I was severely depressed.
Unfortunately no.

It wouldn't have made any difference to my weight even if it was the case. My metabolism is just so annoying. I can eat loads or I can barely eat at all, but I always stay at the same weight.

I'm 160 lb and 6'2", though, so I suppose it's not that bad considering I'm withing the correct BMI range.
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Well-known member
hmmm well i do like a nice meal , i soppose it makes me happy short term whilst im eating it


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When i eat most things i just feel sick. I cant eat propper meals because im really awkward. I'll make something then wont want to eat it after.

I mainly just live on cups of tea because they are hot and comforting, :) They cheer me up.


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I actually have quite a lack of appetite, not sure if that's a symptom of depression or anxiety itself?

But I had some awesome New York style cheesecake earlier that made me very happy. :)


Well-known member
Yes. I seem to have an emotional attachment to food. I eat for all the wrong reasons. When I get upset, board or happy. I have to keep myself (sometimes) from buying food (junk food mostly) because I will eat all of it in one day! I will eat a whole bag of chips in one day or whatever it may be. I'm also an active person so that helps. But on my off days I eat more usually because I sit around and watch tv or surf the net.

My coworkers are always bringing cookies and chips to work and constantly reminding me it is there ...(men) Geez I know how men like to eat! It's become a bit of a problem for me. Especially since these men buy dinner for me without even asking me. It's another reason i wouldn't mind finding a new job.
it's always been a problem for me since I was a tween. Im grateful not to be overweight. But I've always been pretty active so thats why. But yeah I've always wanted to weight less and eat less since I over do overeating or have uncontrolled eating habits. It's always been a problem though. I hate it. Food makes me so it seems. It's called living to eat.
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Hmmm... actually, I find food tastes much better if I had exhausted myself with exercise earlier in the day. Almost any food tastes great then!


Well-known member
For me, tasty food is an outlet. It makes me happy, yet I know that consecutively it's poisoning my body (I'm 230 lbs now =\). I hate it...

Ever since I was bullied at a younger age I've turned to food.

Don't get me wrong, I don't go on binge fests, but whenever my mood is sour, I just eat something I truly enjoy and it serves as a temporary remedy for my anxieties.

Some people smoke to relieve their anxieties...I eat my favorite foods.

Do you guys do anything similar?

I don't overeat or anything, but I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm overweight (not to say that you are!), and when I'm down, I turn to good food and it temporarily helps. I've read that sweets, especially chocolate, release endorphins in the brain. I think that's why it serves happiness to many people. I'd like to eat healthy and exercise, but it's hard when depression completely takes over. Not only do I lack any motivation to be active, but it's also easier and more comforting to reach for something tasty, than a friggin' carrot stick.
I don't overeat or anything, but I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm overweight (not to say that you are!), and when I'm down, I turn to good food and it temporarily helps. I've read that sweets, especially chocolate, release endorphins in the brain. I think that's why it serves happiness to many people. I'd like to eat healthy and exercise, but it's hard when depression completely takes over. Not only do I lack any motivation to be active, but it's also easier and more comforting to reach for something tasty, than a friggin' carrot stick.

I've often thought about this. Is there some kinds of foods that are fairly good for you, but at the same time taste fantastic even/especially when you're depressed? There's so many kinds of foods... Surely, some of them are?

For myself, I really like Greek Salad with a little bit of extra vinegar and fish and chips... Not sure if that's healthy though.


Well-known member
Food is my love and we're very happy together. Though at this point it's a healthy relationship! I enjoy my food a lot when I eat, but I don't binge or restrict my eating anymore.


Well-known member
I eat when I'm hungry, when I'm not, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm anxious. Basically all the time so the situation is quite bad.


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I find myself eating when I get bored, which is fairly often so it's safe to say I eat a little too much. ::p: Buuut I'm fortunate enough to have a quick metabolism and I never put on any weight, been 150-160 for like 4 years now. Doesn't really count though when all I eat is junk food.


Well-known member
Maybe your genetic background is working against you.... If so you have to work a little harder to keep the weight off.... I am fortunate in that regard... I can eat what and when i want. Pure genetics talking here...You obviously have a metabolism that loves storing fat.. That sux..... You just have to burn that excess energy (fat) off. That's life....


Well-known member
Perhaps you should just learn to be disgusted by over eating.. Learn to hate bad food in particular.... Visualise that it (food) makes you sick... Give it a go.... Cheers and good luck.