Does anyone here take pills?I


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Does anyone here take pills?

I was just wondering if anyone here takes pills and has a shrink?
I do and I'm forced ( by my mom) to take pills. ( I really don't want to take them) I take seroquel 200MG- which is a anti-psychotic for bipolar and schizophrenia,
it's also used for depression.
and I also take Cipralex 10MG- which is for depression and anxiety.
Pills to survive anyone?
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Yeah I do.
I take one for anxiety and two anti-depressant.
Not taking the anti-depressants lately, they make me feel weird.


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I currently take Lamictal (2x150 mg) to help against my bipolar disorder. and depression I've been on dozens of different mes in my life, cipralex, cipramil, valium, lithium, nefadar and more I can't remember the name of. I've tried living without meds, but I have realized that I can't function without them, I am barely functioning with them.


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I used to take antidepressants I've tried about 5 different ones but none of them worked for me so doctor decided to take me off them and not to try any others.

I did have a CPN for about 18 months but because I found it extremely hard to talk about my problems and how I'm feeling my doctor decided there was no point in seeing one anymore.

I guess the doctor was right in stopping me seeing a CPN because if a can't open up to a professional to help me then there's no point. Now I'm left to myself struggling to cope with everything.

If it wasn't for this wonderful site I would be completely alone with no support.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone here take pills?

Fluoxetine. It helps my depression but the anxiety... Not so much.. I wish I had something stronger. :confused:


Well-known member
hm, I don't take pills and don't intend to... even herbal pills made me feel weird, like one was not enough, after two I was like a zombie... so cocoa or some omega 3 rich fish is the most that I take :)

Helmanin, have you actually been diagnosed by a proper doctor/psychiatrist?
I hope others are doing this under a proper guidance too...

Simpy, sorry to hear you don't get any support elsewhere... Is there a support group run by a non-profit organisation locally, or something like that? What's CPN? Could you get CBT or read any books or websites about CBT or ACT or similar that could help?


Well-known member
Simpy, sorry to hear you don't get any support elsewhere... Is there a support group run by a non-profit organisation locally, or something like that? What's CPN? Could you get CBT or read any books or websites about CBT or ACT or similar that could help?

A CPN is similar to a counselor. I've tried CBT before but it didn't work for me. I was getting help from a support worker which was funded by the government but the government made cuts and that stopped in February. Theres no other organizations around near where I live. But with the recent change in my life the doctor has set me up a meeting with the mental health team this Tuesday morning. Not looking forward to it.
It's funny really, my mum took an overdose of anti-depressants, just like the one's I'm taking. The stupid cow didn't take enough to die, but I guess you learn from your parents mistakes


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I'm on fluoxetine... Although I've defeat my agoraphobia I have grown dependant on prozac... I'm so scared to come off it incase I relapse... I guess that's the same with any pill.


Well-known member
i feel like i need something for my anxiety but im too nervous to go nd get help

Don't be worried. A doctor can really really help you out and will never only give you one option of treatment, but many, and it's up to you which one you take. If it doesn't work you can always go back and revisit your other options. If they don't give you all your options straight out, then ask for them, you have to be assertive if you choose this is what you really want. Research things you feel might help you, and mention them to your doctor. There's nothing at all to be nervous about, promise.
I'm on Prozac, Klonopin, and Seroquel and I've tried Paxil and Abilify. I've noticed that the Seroquel makes me gain weight, which is really unfortunate because I wasn't exactly skinny to begin with. I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting off of it. I'm also sleepy and a bit sluggish and I'm still paralyzed by fear.


Well-known member
Iv,e been on and off paxtine for years.Off for good now.I want to try something different for anxiety,though it can be hard to get a prescription for some things over here::(:


Well-known member
If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, then pills are about your only option, unfortunately. They should make you feel better and other people around you will be better. I'm sure there are likely some side effects that maybe bad, but the pros usually outweigh the cons.

What have you been diagnosed with? If you have been diagnosed with minor depression and anxiety, then pills aren't as necessary as they are for bipolar, severe depression, and schizophrenia. They are worth trying though, just stay away from benzos. CBT psychotherapy is your best bet for long term relief, if you just have minor depression or anxiety.

Good luck.