Does anyone have kids with same anxieties as you?


I have a six year old and recently I noticed some behaviors that were the exact same behaviors I exhibited when I was his age. He is in general very social, but when he runs into kids from his school or old teachers, he casts his eyes down and starts to head in the opposite direction. It doesn't matter who it is, he just can't stand to be seen. I remember as a kid, I did the same thing. It pained me to have anyone, people I even knew, look at me.

On top of that, I have hyperhidrosis and have already seen my son has it too. I never mention it, but he has started coming home from school complaining that he "sweats too much" so he opts out of playing games outside. He's 6!!!

I am very conscious of not showing my own anxieties in front of him because my biggest nightmare is to have my son have to deal with this too. Oddly, it seems like it is happening anyway (genetic?) and am just curious if there are other parents dealing with the same.


Staff member
I have two teens and a little one, they all seem fine. I too tried to not show anxiety in front of my kids.


Well-known member
i would definately believe its possible to have them passed down.

My wife's mothers side has exhibited the same anxietal traits going back for at least 4 or 5 generations that they can recall :/.

Its somthing we worried about as well if we were to have any kids.


Well-known member
My father has all the same mental illnesses and difficulties as I do.
I started developing them around the time I started pre-school.
I didn't live with him and only saw him every other weekend from age 2-- onward; so I don't think it was a passing of habits through watching him panic and I didn't even notice that we were the same until I was 15 years old and realized that he lived in a tent in the middle of nowhere and refused to walk to the store to get milk when I came to visit.
That was my wake-up call. Milk.

Anyway-- I feel that it's genetic.


Well-known member
My father has all the same mental illnesses and difficulties as I do.
I started developing them around the time I started pre-school.
I didn't live with him and only saw him every other weekend from age 2-- onward; so I don't think it was a passing of habits through watching him panic and I didn't even notice that we were the same until I was 15 years old and realized that he lived in a tent in the middle of nowhere and refused to walk to the store to get milk when I came to visit.
That was my wake-up call. Milk.

Anyway-- I feel that it's genetic.

I have the same genetics as my Dad, but as I grew up with him I also learned from his habits, double whammy. :cool:


Well-known member
I have a 5-yr-old and he doesn't appear to have any of the same anxieties I do. He may have others, but he definitely doesn't show any signs of social anxiety. He is occasionally slightly shy, but he warms up pretty quickly. I have no idea where his personality came from--his dad is pretty anti-social as well, only he doesn't seem to have anxiety. He just hates people.