does anyone else get nervous walking down the street or even in a store?


Well-known member
Here in France, is a whole different ball game! I cannot walk into a shop that I have never visited before because I am petrified that I will open the door the wrong way and make an *** of myself.

Is there something different about France that makes socializing more difficult there? What's it like?


Sometimes I have bad days where I have a hard time walking down the street... usually it's after I've been hiding/away from things for a while.

When I was younger I hated shopping malls and couldn't walk properly when I was in them, and my parents used to make fun of me for it. I got better when I was in university but would still have times when I couldn't take it and needed to escape... and actually dealing with people in stores was really hard.

A lot of other people don't like it and I feel terrible for people who spend time with me because I think it embarrasses them.


I feel incredibly anxious and awkward anytime I go anywhere. Even just going to my mailbox makes me feel uncomfortable.