Does anybody here with SA suffer with Involuntary Celibacy?


Well-known member
I doubt it. I'm sure that if I just got the courage to initiate a conversation with a guy, a romantic relationship (which would obviously include potential intimacy) could develop.


not actually Fiona Apple
I am celibate, but I wouldn't really consider it involuntary. I took a look at the wiki page for involuntary celibacy, defined it as

Wikipedia said:
Involuntary celibacy is the absence in human sexuality of intimate relationships or sexual intercourse for reasons other than voluntary celibacy, asexuality, antisexualism, or sexual abstinence.

I think my situation would fall most accurately under sexual abstinence, for psychological/philosophical reasons, or maybe this one: "psycho-sociological reasons (e.g., clinical depression, social anxiety disorder, increasing testosterone in males, or negative past experiences)"

I'm choosing but I don't really have a choice, if that makes sense.


Well-known member
I'm not trying too hard to not be celibate. I really wouldn't call being celibate suffering


Well-known member
What does involuntary celibacy mean to you, Paranoid?

Are you talking, "wants to get laid, but can't"? Or, "wants to get laid, but wouldn't know how to go about it"? Or, "wants to get laid, but finds the whole idea terrifying"? Or something else entirely?


Well-known member
What does involuntary celibacy mean to you, Paranoid?

Are you talking, "wants to get laid, but can't"? Or, "wants to get laid, but wouldn't know how to go about it"? Or, "wants to get laid, but finds the whole idea terrifying"? Or something else entirely?

I think he means this:

Involuntary celibacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for me, I don't think that I do. I would have to be actively pursuing a romantic partner and I'm too scared to even approach a girl.
I always thought of it as being interested/wanting a sexual relationship, but for whatever reason always failing to achieve it. The reasons could be anything, including SA.


Well-known member
I may have this. I would like to have sex but something psychological blocks it out and I reckon I could be a virgin forever.

I thought I might actually have love-shyness.

Love-shyness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Discussing love-shyness was my very first post here and part of the reason why I joined this forum in the first place.

I read some of the opening paragraph of the Involuntary Celibacy Wikipedia page and that also sounds like me. This just confuses and upsets me more because now I don't know what's wrong with me. I know I do get anxious when girls try to put the moves on me, and I know I shouldn't because they're obviously interested, but it doesn't make it any less frightening.

I believe that these things exist and to break out of the cycle is very difficult.


Well-known member
It's tough for me to say, because if I really wanted to have sex, maybe I could make it happen. The thing with me is I'm not willing to have sex with any woman, I want to have sex with a woman that I'm attracted to.

I wouldn't define myself as incel (involuntary celibate). I'm not sure how anybody could really define themselves as incel, because that is giving up. That's saying it's impossible for them to get laid, which it is not impossible. I don't think anyone is 100% forced into not being able to have sex as long as their "parts" work.

I am still a virgin, but it's not all by choice per se. It's partially my fault, and partially other factors' fault (society's social norms, my anxiety, guys usually have to make the first move, gender roles).

The older I've gotten, the more sex has become something that I've yearned for a little more, and it's gotten to the point where I just want to get it over with. I know that sounds depressing, but that's how I feel now. I'm not saving myself for marriage or for a woman I love. I don't view my virginity as something that should be cherished, it's just something I haven't done in life that is a big part of one's life imo.

I'm sick of people telling me that I need to make friends. I've already done that whole song and dance for years, and you know what? I never got to have sex with a woman, or love a woman. I want to experience that. I want sex, not friendship. I'm tired of people telling me to just try to be friends. These same people have already gotten laid. It's easy for them to say just be friends.