do you think ...


Well-known member
you get on anyones nerves on the site , you know make bad comments or pm to much or try to be a little to freindly ... are any of you guilty of that , i think i am ..... :rolleyes:
Surely. I read my private messages, visitor messages and posts over and over again, wondering if it's the right thing to say. Yesterday, I asked if anyone else felt this way because I often feel like a nuisance. I'm probably not, though.


Well-known member
Surely. I read my private messages, visitor messages and posts over and over again, wondering if it's the right thing to say. Yesterday, I asked if anyone else felt this way because I often feel like a nuisance.

yea same here , does your head in doesnt it , and makes you double paranoid , as if were not paraniod enough lol :)

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yep! i imagine people thinkin "oh god, its her again" when they read my posts. thats just the sa though, i hope! i enjoy every single one of your posts mrb, keep on postin
Yeah, I do feel like I annoy people on here.


I have yet receive any rude pm or messages; other than from one user, but he's crazy. So that doesn't count. If I offend anyone, please don't hesitate to pm me with hate. But for your notice, I will probably not reply to you, but if it makes you feel any better; do what you have to do.
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