You have to judge every thread and reply or opinion on its own individual merits, people will use an array of varied emotions and ways to express and you can't mistake that for a hierarchy which i don't think exists here, if it did you'd see people ganging up on others and using inside jokes, it does exist on some forums though yes! (this is more of a place to vent) ..
Sometimes people are seen as more optimistic and upbeat then you may expect, light-hearted but don't think to yourself those people arn't feeling extreme ups and downs in reality away from the computer screen ..
To be positive is not to be ignorant of suffering - it's knowing both the negative the positive, as deeply as you can and choosing, well, Yes (in the metaphysical sense of the word) yet remaining fully aware of both and everything in between. It is, by definition, a win-win choice (and the opposite vice versa). It's not like you don't feel the other side in life or walk around with some inane grin on your face like some deluded idiot, but when it comes to declaring what you believe as a person, when you're choosing who you are because it's built into you to do so, I choose the side of "Yes Please - and a Slice of Pie". If you think you've never even made that decision, think again.
Even suffering can be seen as something that is beautiful, from a certain perspective. I personally find such a concept intriguing and ultimately worth trying to understand.