do you think people would think of you as a freak?


Well-known member
there is such a stigma against mental disorders.

people see people who suffer from them as "crazy" or "dangerous"

im a normal person. im not violent. im not threatening. but i feel like if i tell someone close to me their entire view of me will change in a negative way.


Well-known member
People have often considered me a freak even before SA (mostly those who have been around me during the day - classmates in school and university) just because I have more eccentric personality. So, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people (I am among them) appreciate strangeness.


Well-known member
i think people belive i'm some kind of psychopat because i'm just so recluse.

i cant admit my problem openly , few people know that i'm doing therapy, not even my parents know it. its puzzling because this illogical shame is exactly what i'm trying cure.

but the social stigma just worsen my state of shame, but like Jung said: Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.


Well-known member
Sometimes I'm very good at hiding my anxiety and OCD, other times I'm not. At the least, I'd assume people can tell I'm somewhat of an eccentric. I always have this urge to explain to them that it's nothing against them personally and I'm just like that with everyone but when i stop and think about it, it's not really worth it. I gotta reveal a very vulnerable side about myself to someone I just met... seems too much to give away too soon. No matter how nice they may seem.


Well-known member
yeah ,everytime i'm alone at the stars and someone walks by they ask me something like : oh so youre a freak like me and dont like to be around people , i just look at them and they walk away . yeah ,i think i do look like a freak.


Well-known member
There are no freaks, only different personalities. What is normal is a set of ideals created by society meant to control the people, to decide what is right and what is wrong. There is no such thing as morality, only the beliefs of an individual and his perception of reality.


Well-known member
Xenophobia, or the tendency to judge negatively what we don't understand is a fundamental aspect of most animals. I have OCD and even some people with other anxiety disorders judge me negatively as they only understand their own disorder.


Well-known member
Andrew said:
Xenophobia, or the tendency to judge negatively what we don't understand is a fundamental aspect of most animals. I have OCD and even some people with other anxiety disorders judge me negatively as they only understand their own disorder.

true that if aliens come to earth in big spaceship we will shoot them first then negotiate later when we realise we cant destroy them.


Well-known member
Ashiene said:
There are no freaks, only different personalities. What is normal is a set of ideals created by society meant to control the people, to decide what is right and what is wrong. There is no such thing as morality, only the beliefs of an individual and his perception of reality.

Yes, I support this view.


Well-known member
Freak is just an ingredient from the spice-rack for the stew that is you.

"HMMMM... I can taste a little bit of freak in you "


Well-known member
Hard to say what 'people' would think of me because there are so many of them. Perhaps certain social circles would see me as a freak, but I tend not to bother with those.

I consider myself quite freaky, and I choose to mix with people who are equally so - they're far more interesting. And they don't read tabloid newspapers.


Well-known member
Nah. Many people suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety/depression. I'm sure everyone has at least one close person who does. ;)