Do you suffer from a lack of empathy/emotions?


Well-known member
sleepysparrow1 said:
ZiggyCosmicJive said:
I find myself to be very emotional, especially for a guy.

emotional guys are great.

Well thanks, that means a lot to me Sleepy. Ofcourse my SA prevents me from showing emotions in many instances, but I think a lot of people here are like that.

This reminds me of the first and only "date" I ever went on, back in September. In retrospect, I'm not sure if it was really a date, but it felt like one. It was with a girl who's mother works with my mother. Our parents encouraged us to meet on Facebook. She was a senior high school- a couple years younger than me. We talked on Facebook for a month or two, nothing intimate, just random stuff (I didn't have the courage to make the first move and talk on a more meaningful level). Anyways, we set a date to meet each other. I was on my way to her house, and in the car I was the most nervous I had ever been in some years, if not my life. I saw spots, felt cold and my heart rate got way up there (all very unusual for me). I almost just threw in the towel right there and drove past her street, but I could not bear the thought of standing up a 17 year old high school girl and quite possibly putting her self-esteem in the toilet. I know what low self esteem is like. So I just stuck it out and kind of put myself on auto pilot. I fought off my SA for the sake of someone I barely knew, and looking back, I'm kind of proud. Surprisingly, it didn't end up being that bad, I was a little awkward and I don't think we made a connection, but I had a relatively nice time.

Done bragging :roll:


Active member
^^ Aw, that's so cute! Sometimes you just have to push the bad feelings away and take a chance. I'm glad the date went well. I think a lot of girls really love guys who are emotional and sensitive, it makes them feel understood and cared for.
I seem to lack the ability/will to express empathy. Doesn't mean I don't feel it, certainly I feel it a lot while expressing nothing. Not overly prone to mood swings or anger or anything though, so maybe less emotional than average.
Probably. I feel like I don't know when, or how. Like I can feel something, but there's nothing there. I guess I'm good at hiding all emotions though, to the point where I don't know how to express any anymore.


Active member
I'm not very emotional, usually. My best friend describes me as "a cold, logical machine".

sometimes I am, though, and it sucks. I wish I had a little switch where I could just turn them off. Emotions are way more often negative than positive to me.


Well-known member
yea, sometimes I worry about this.....sometimes there are people who can just instinctively feel exactly what another person must be feeling....they can empathise and feel their pain....whereas I think I've always found this hard.....and I hate this about myself sometimes, cause I don't wanna be a cold person....So usually I try to make a habit all the time of always thinking of the other person and really trying to imagine what it must be like for them....and I think generally it has been working actually.....but still there are many situations when another person is in need, and I just find it so hard to care!!!

so yea, I think I have a lack of empathy.....but as for emotions, I think I'm probably the opposite....I can be pretty hyper-sensitive to some things!


Active member
Im pretty sure people perceive me as calm and cold person. When around people i feel emotionally cripled, trapped, desperate to relax and enjoy the situation but it just doesnt work.... When im alone i dance, sing, jump around like an idiot, laugh, cry... Often do these stuff with no reason, to use up some energy or when i really need to feel alive sometimes :?
I am the exact opposite, I'm extremely emotional. I'm one of those people who cries when I see two people hugging. That might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much.
Though I'm not a girly girl AT ALL, I'm just really emotional and always crying.
It sucks! But I do love crying, it gets everything out :cry: :roll:


Well-known member
I'm extremely emotional, but since my thoughts rarely make it out of my mouth, I jerk and wince instead of talk.

Don't know why I let people do this to me. I think I would rather be one of those hellish invective individuals, hated for cursing everyone.. instead of being known for being a stranger.